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Authors note: Long chapter awaiting...


"I'm home!" I shouted, as I hustled my body and a ton of bags through my apartment door.
Yes I've been shopping, but let's be honest do you blame me? The stress of weddings is taking a toll on me.

The apartment was eerie, only the distant sound of cars and taxi horns could be heard from the 25th floor of our shared flat in the middle of Manhattan. I grabbed an apple and took a bite as I read the post it note that was left on the fridge door.

Gone out with a few friends, will be back around 11 x

I smiled to myself before picking up the phone and ordering a Chinese. I was used to being on my own, and I loved it. Leaving myself to my own thoughts and the opportunity to decide whatever I wanted. I grabbed the Chinese bag from the delivery driver as I handed him $20 before flicking through Netflix before selecting a shitty reality tv show. The tiredness slowly hit me as my eyelids began to get droopier and droopier. Before I realised it, I had fallen asleep, tv still on and half a Chinese still sat on the couch beside me.

Dreams are weird things. Imaginations? Things you want to become reality? Predictions of the future? Perhaps all of the above, but my sleep was quickly awoken as my dream escalated to being wedded with Jungkook. I jolted awake before he leaned in for a kiss,  groaning as I realised it had turned pitch black outside. What was the time? I patted the space beside me as I found my phone. The screen lit up. 11.30pm. Is Alex home? Just as I went to stand up a key turned in the lock and a drunken Alex stumbled into the apartment.

"Have a nice time?" I asked before walking over to him "Oh god, Alex you reek like alcohol! How much did you drin-"


Numbers of hours slept. 2 and a half.
Rachel poured coffee into a mug before passing it over. My eyes killed and I had the worst headache ever "you look exhausted" she mumbled

Extremely exhausted. It hadn't even been me drinking, and I felt like the one with a hangover. Where did we last leave me? Oh yes, asking Alex how much he drank before he threw up over me. This proceeded to happen the whole night, as I ran around scrubbing the floors, changing him and fed him.

"Don't even start!" I groaned, picking up the phone and ringing Alex

"Hello?!" A croaky voice mumbled into the phone

"Hey, feeling any better?" I asked

"Huh?" He replied, as I repeated the question, a little more emphasis and anger radiating this time.

"Why do you sound so mad?" He tutted "you're giving me a headache" he moaned before hanging the phone up, the line going dead.

"UGH" I let my head drop onto the desk as Rita laughed "good luck tonight" she said before walking out the door.

I finally emerged back through my apartment door by 5pm. The journey home via subway making me beyond tired. I grimaced as the faint smell of alcohol still hung in the air. Placing my keys onto the side table I walked into the main open floored kitchen/sitting room. Alex was lying on the couch, asleep, as the news blared away on the television.

"Alex?" I whispered moving his body slightly causing him to open his eyes.

"Hey" he sighed

"I'll grab you some more pills" I whispered, as I placed the back of my hand on his head to feel a temperature still present.

The argument seemed pretty much forgotten about by the time I sat besides him for the evening. The tiredness of the past few days drifted me off to one of the best sleeps I had probably had within the last week.

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