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"I cried, as in waterworks, the lot" I covered my face, Bronte's laughs filled the air as she lay looking up at the sky, the sun rays hitting her tanned skin.

Groaning I laid back against the sun bed that sat next to her, closing my eyes, hoping I would soak up some Vitamin D. I had so far avoided Kim Min Jae for at least two weeks since the incident. My phone consistently blowing up with messages checking if I was okay from him.

"It really can't get much worse than that...can it?" I asked, running my fingers through my hair tilting my head ever so slightly to face her.

"I have no clue" she giggled "but Astra seriously you need to stop becoming depressed and all about your life in New York...you are in Seoul now"

I sighed deeply as I watched the clouds flow elegantly through the sky.

"the only way you can make it better is by telling him why you got so upset and move on" she said "he won't hate you for that, everyone has their flaws"

"I can't do that, NO WAY" I sat up and looked over at her, as she shook her head. The advice she had given me clearly not making a difference. Lucas and Ariana looked up and over at us diverting their attention from the sand pit.

"What is Astra not doing to do?" Ariana skipped over and sat at the end of the sunbed, before Bronte added another layer of sun lotion to her face.

"Don't worry, adult stuff" Bronte ruffled the top of her head before she skipped back over to Lucas.

Bronte looked over at me before lifting her sunglasses away from her eyes "you have to do something, you can't leave it like that"

I groaned loudly this time before leaning back against the bed and rolling away from facing her.

"Just imagine how he must have felt thinking he did something wrong"

"I told him it wasn't him that caused me to cry" I said as she got up off the sun bed and made her way around to my side, now looking at my face.

"Yet he doesn't know why you did" she shook her head in disappointment "you need to tell him before I do myself"

I tutted as she disappeared out my view, leaving me to rethink all my actions through.

Jungkook POV:

It was currently 2am. The alarm clock blaring the light at me as I lay back into the bed, hoping that if I closed my eyes and slept a bit longer, time would go faster. That didn't really make much difference as I rolled back over to stare at the clock again. 2:01am. I groaned into my hands before peering over my shoulder at Ella who was sleeping soundly beside me. Her breath rising and falling as her hair curved around her face and her mouth opened slightly. I needed to move. I leaned upwards slowly before moving off the bed, the frame creaking before I took one look back. She still hadn't moved. Throwing on my tracksuit I scribbled a quick note leaving it beside the bed and making my way out the apartment and down the stairs. A jog of a good 10 minutes and I had arrived at Rita's apartment. I needed to clear the air. Desperately. I peered up at the fifth floor of the apartment building and saw the light still on from within Rita's living area. She was definitely awake. I buzzed the buzzer to her apartment as her voice came through.

"Yes?" She questioned probably wondering who was wanting to access her apartment at a ridiculous time in the morning,

"It's Jungkook" I replied, a deep sigh sounding her end "it's not a bad time is it?"

"The doors open" she muttered as I heard the lock open on the building doors before I pushed them open.

The door to Rita's apartment opened after I had knocked twice. A yawning Rita welcoming me in before she flicked the coffee machine on and turned the television volume down. I looked over towards Rita as she poured two cups of coffee, adding cinnamon to the top. She handed me the mug before sitting herself back down on the couch, looking at me as I stood awkwardly on the other end of the room.

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