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I groaned as I rolled, slamming my hand against the alarm, the beeping still continuing to sound as I failed multiple times to stop it. I leaned down feeling for the plug in the wall before yanking it out and sighing as I shut my eyes. Quiet again.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU..." my mother and her newest boyfriend, Phil, shoved open the door, cake in hand, party hats on their heads and filming on their memory camera as I squinted my eyes adjusting to the light blaring in from the hallway.

I smiled at them both as Phil placed a party hat on top of my head and continued to sing before I shortly blew the candles out on the cake. 

"What did you wish for?" My mother said as she checked none of the candle burns had landed on the icing,

"I can't tell you that" I rolled my eyes as Phil laughed before shutting the camera lens.

"24 today!!!" My mother squealed as she popped a party popper, the confetti strips landing gently on the top of my hair.

Birthdays. Another year older. I wasn't sure whether I hated or loved the idea that every year I was getting closer to old age. I gave my mum and Phil a weak smile before yawning, leaning over to check my phone. 24 messages. 

"Anything exciting planned for later? Because if not your mother and I were thinking about taking you for dinner" Phil said as he got up off the edge of the bed

"Jungkook has something planned I think" I looked at both of them as they almost seemed to look saddened for a second "I could meet you both for lunch though?"

"You'd make time to?" My mums spirits lifted as her face lit up in excitement "okay sushi, bring Jungkook if you want to" Phil squeezed my mum and kissed the top of her head before they walked out my mum shutting the door slowly behind them.

I made my way down to the kitchen a good 45 minutes later before giving both my mother and Phil a kiss on the cheek. 'Love you both!' I shouted before making my way out the door and hailing down a taxi to Times Square. The taxi dropped me off a short while later as I stepped out onto the streets again, shoving my camera into the tote bag that hung heavily over my shoulder. I quickly ran along hurrying to work as I was at least 10 minutes late. The heavy June heat shone down on me as I mentally thanked myself for going with a light thin jumpsuit, that I didn't seem to swelter in. My white converse trainers hit against the sidewalk before I eventually made it to the office building. The water fountain that sat outside spraying small droplets of water onto my face.

"Happy Birthday, birthday girl" a voice called as I was halfway up the stairs. I spun around to face Taehyung who was making his way up the steps also, two Starbucks takeaway cups in his hands "always looking pleasantly gorgeous"

I gave him a small spin before eyeing up the takeaway cup in his hand "iced tea just the way you like it" he handed me the cup, the cold liquid cooling down my sweaty palms

"What would I do without you?" I questioned as I took a sip before we slowly made our way up the steps side by side.

"That's questionable" he said nudging me "bet you're loving the heat"

"Mhm" I nodded my head "cold weather really is not for me"

"Cheers to that" he laughed clinking his cup against mine before we 'ahhhed' as the air conditioning blew down on us.

I focused the lens on the rustic bench in front of my eyes, and the pink blossom tree that hung above my head, a few blossoms falling down on my hair now and again.  I hovered my finger over the button, ready to get the perfect image. I stopped as I felt the presence of someone lie down beside me. I smiled and turned to my right, his lips connecting with mine softly. I laughed into him before slowly pulling away, dropping the camera. My eyes now taking all of him in.

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