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"What?" I froze and looked up at Min Jae, the contents of food in my mouth still.

"Open" he said as he held out his chopsticks and leaned forwards, spoon feeding the Japchae into my mouth "good?"

I nodded in satisfaction as I continued to chew the noodles and meat, the flavours one of the best flavours I had ever tasted as small 'mhmmm' escaping my mouth in between chews.

Our first date. Korean BBQ. No before you ask, not the one he works at. That would be too weird. A different one. I blew on my japchae still trying to cool it down before grabbing a handful of noodles with the chopsticks and chewing once again. I leaned back into my chair, my stomach feeling bloated, and exhaled slowly. Min Jae gave me a funny look before shaking his head and proceeding to eat

"You did want to order the extra kimchi" he teased as I rolled my eyes, grabbing the chopsticks and prodding my food.

"I usually have a big appetite, just give me a minute" I held up my finger before taking another bite, giving myself time to digest it all.

He gave me a weird stare as I looked up at him, chewing the noodles "you know, that stare you just gave me is not the way to make someone fall for you"

"So you just wholeheartedly admitted that you are falling for me" he playfully kicked my foot underneath the table as I scoffed "you really won't admit it will you?"


"I'll make you admit it one day" he said, finishing up the last pieces of meat that remained in his bowl "trust me, I will find a way"

"It's lovely to see how persistent you are to achieve things" I said, swallowing the last of my noodles "both at work and in your free time"

"It's one thing I actually have going for myself, consistency to always work hard"

"It's a good trait...I like people like you in the world"

"People like me?" He questioned "people like me how?"

"People who have passion, and they live life always aiming to achieve something or doing something better" I said "instead of wasting life wondering what they could have done"

"What's your passion?" He leaned forwards in his chair, his eyes now fully locked with mine as if he was trying to read me.


"Your passion" he raised his eyebrows not fully convinced.

"That is my passion"

"I don't believe you" he shook his head in denial "what was your passion back when you were 18? Not what you studied, but what you really wanted to do, yet knew you couldn't"

I didn't even have to think as the word fell out of my mouth "writing"

It was the first time I had admitted to having this incredible passion for writing. Photography I loved, yes. But was it a massive passion? Was it what I got up and thought about almost instantly? Yes I had an undeniable talent and loved what I did with photography, yet in the back of my mind it had always been writing. Having the freedom to throw whatever was in my mind and create it into this storyline and plot that I so badly wanted to exist. Although it didn't.

"My passion is writing" I confirmed as Min Jae smiled "and yours?"

He paused, the focus of passion now on him. I could feel the uneasiness and it was definitely something he hadn't admitted to most but here I was, asking.

"Honest answer?" He asked as I nodded "cooking"

"Isn't that what you do now?"

"Cashier guy is far from being a chef and cooking" he laughed as I chewed the inside of my mouth,

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