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I think this was probably one of the worst days I had had yet. I dragged my shoes alongside the pavement as I headed back to the apartment. At this point, engagement and wedding plans were the last things on my mind. I unlocked the door and heard the sound of the television blaring away. Sophie lay on the couch crying over "Extraordinary you".

"That k-drama made me cry" I commented, emptying my bag contents out onto the table.

"I don't normally cry over them, but this one honestly breaks my heart" she said sniffing, as she reached for another tissue "how was your day?"

"It was fine I guess...I kept on touch with Rita I'm not sure whether you remember her?"

"Oh yes I do! How is she?" She said sitting up and pausing the k-drama.

"She's good actually! Probably the only person I really stayed close with"

"I mean you were also close with Jungkook and his friends, did you know he was back before I mentioned yesterday?"

"Yes, I hung out with him and his friends the other day" I smirked. Enough of lies.

"Oh you saw him?" She replied, looking gobsmacked.

"Mm yes..." I turned my back to her as I washed the plates in the sink,

"Wait...you can't say that and leave it at that" she stood up off the couch and came to stand beside me.

"Nothing happened" I replied sheepishly "it was just good to see him again. Anyways what does it matter?"


"Because maybe you want to go tell Alex?" I raised my eyebrow as she stopped talking "he can't stop me seeing people Sophie"

"But you lied...doesn't he have the right to know?" She yelled, grabbing onto my arm.

I shrugged her off in anger "he's just a friend"

"Why are you such a bitch?" She crossed her arms, glaring at me.

"A bitch?" My eyebrows furrowed as she laughed

"Astra, you're marrying my brother soon...so just back off Jungkook. Don't you see it? The distraction? You're going to hurt Alex, so just leave it alone and focus on what's important"

The truth hurt. Really badly hurt.

"You're falling in love with him all over again. That's what makes you a bitch"

I glared back at her as she walked towards me "so end whatever you have with Jungkook"

I ran towards the door of the apartment, grabbing my coat and shrugging it on before heading towards the building lift.

"Go run away like you always do Astra!" Shouted Sophie down the hall as the lift doors shut, drowning out her voice.

"CAB!" I yelled, extending my arm outwards once I had made me way to Time's Square "68 Lockwood Avenue"

The journey felt like forever before the cab pulled up outside a house, just on the outskirts of Manhattan. I knocked on the door several times before it opened, my mum looking at me as tears fell down my face.

"Can I stay with you for a while?" I asked, as she opened her arms.

I ran towards her embrace as she wrapped them shut back around my back. And for a long time in a while I finally felt safe again.


I shut the leaflets and wedding books once again. Groaning as I realised that either way Alex would probably find out why I had been so distant. Missed multiple calls had pinged my phone all night as I ignored, eventually resulting in me turning off my phone. I stared out the back window of the kitchen, watching the birds eating seeds off the grass in the back garden. I really badly felt like crying.

"Please, don't get upset. It will all be forgiven" my mum said as she handed me my coffee flask and coat "just go to work, today is a new day"

I smiled up at her as she kissed the top of my head "you really are such a star Astra, I love you"

I left shortly after that, and caught a cab back into Manhattan city once again. I stepped out the cab, heading towards my office building door when a sudden hand tapped me on my shoulder. Jungkook. He smiled at me as I paused and bit my lip. It was funny how at this moment, the whole world suddenly revolved around him again, everyone seemed to disappear and he was the only person I could focus on.

"Astra, look I know this is bad timing!" He said, fiddling with the the headphones attached to his phone in his hands "I mean you don't seem okay?"

"Oh don't worry I'm okay" I said taking a sip of coffee,

"What happened, I know you" He asked, cocking his head to one side

"Nothing" I sang, laughing awkwardly as he crossed his arms.

"Right, well, I want you to come see my parents"

"W-what?!" I stuttered, stepping back slightly

"You've met them before, I mean come on they love you"

"I mean I guess? But why? Jungkook, don't even say we are dating because we aren't"

"I know, but we are both single, we were childhood friends so it's not that bad"

"F-fine" I sighed, giving him a glare that made him laugh "just let me know when"

"ASTRA COME ON ITS 9AM" Rita yelled, running outside awkwardly in her heels and pulling on my arm.

"7pm, on Wednesday" Jungkook said before turning away.

"Wednesday? 7pm? Huh?" Rita questioned as I shook her arm off and walked up the steps "you better have some good explanation for this" she tutted as she followed behind me.

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