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Rita POV:

I looked up from the journal, noticing the evening skies of pastel yellows, pinks and oranges surrounding what looked like whipped cotton candy clouds. My heart ached knowing what Astra was thinking, the insides and outs to all her thoughts that I thought I knew so well. I closed the journal shut, realising now that an hour had passed, my mind suddenly reminding me that Astra would be home soon. Standing up from the sofa, I placed the journal aside now focusing back to what I had originally planned to do, placing the files neatly back on the shelves, it an organisational way. Five minutes later, I pulled the spare apartment keys out of my back jean pocket, and scooped my bag off the side of the kitchen counter, before freezing. Now staring at the journal which sat on the sofa still. Contemplating. Should I take it and carry on reading? Surely she wouldn't realise it's gone? It was ironic, that I had just been reading about prying and snooping, but I was too invested to let it go, knowing that if I left it here, Astra could hide it. I reached for it, shoving it into the safety of my bag before making my way out the door, down the black and white tiled steps of the apartment block, and out into the open summer New York City air.

A subway ride away I finally made it back to mine and Jin's apartment, the lights and smell of food indicating that he was back from work. I buzzed the buzzer, before the doors unlocked, skipping up the floors of stairs before finding Jin stood at the top. He had an apron wrapped around his waist and his hair pushed back from his forehead, his whole body leaning against the doorframe. God he was sexy.

"Hello you" I said, as I ran into his arms, giving him a kiss "I missed you"

"And me" he replied, tucking the loose strands of hair behind my ears "that's why I cooked"

Joon Su appeared by the door, his tail wagging with happiness as Jin threw him a treat. He munched away happily as I carried my bag through into the kitchen, placing it atop the bar stools.

"Busy day?"


"What's the 'mmm' for?" He laughed, as he flipped the steaks over in the grilling pan.

"Astra and I had a disagreement over something stupid, it was just my opinion" I shrugged

"Don't think too much into to it, you'll both work it out" he replied, his back still to me as he continued focusing on the steaks. Thankfully he couldn't see my face fall in guilt.

My brain kept telling me that you have her journal. You have her journal. God how could you take it and not let her know. I chewed the inside of my cheek with anxiousness, eyeing up the bag on the side knowing that it was holding something of Astra's.

"I'm just going to wash up, I'll be back in a second" I finally said, picking up the bag and my shoes, and heading towards the bedroom at the far end of the room.

I shut the door behind me in the bedroom as I reached into my bag, pulling out the journal, my heart beat falling to a normal pace as I saw it within my own hands. Thankfully I hadn't lost it. Switching on the lamp besides the bed, and sitting down, I opened up to where I last left it. Falling back into the life of Astra Kim.


I tapped my nails against the large oak tables along with the beat of the ticking clock that hung proudly on the wall within the library. I hated the quiet. The quiet where you could pick up on anything and everything. Especially after growing up within a half Greek half Korean family, where chatter, laughter and joy were always ongoing. I sighed, leaning back into the chair, hoping my mind would focus on the work that I was running far behind on. Not promised to get a degree in photography by my lecturer? My ass. I'd show him.

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