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"He said he loves me Rita...LOVES ME" I shouted down the phone as I lay on my bed, legs up against the wall, staring at the ceiling.

"So he said the words 'I love you'" she gasped down the other end as I sighed.


"Oh my god Astra what are you going to do? What did you say back?"

"I laughed" I groaned, closing my eyes as I waited for her voice to respond.

"What do you mean laughed?"

"Laughed, as in like he said it, and I acted as though it was just the fact it was Valentine's Day, and we left it at that" I said "he dropped my home and everything was normal?"

My voice got increasingly higher at the end, almost as though I was questioning myself that the night ended normally. He had dropped me right outside the door, yet he didn't seem to move from the drivers seat. He turned his body to face me, as we both sat in the dark. The tension once again, hovering in the air. I managed to murmur a quick 'thank you' before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek and stepping out the car. And the worst thing was, I didn't look behind me as I fumbled with the keys in the lock. Once I was behind the door of the house I sunk to the floor and rethought the whole few minutes that had just past.

"You still there?" I asked, as Rita's end went quiet.

"Y-yeah I'm here"

"It's bad I know"

"Not bad, just you could've left it better" she replied, as I heard her shut the door behind her "we are popping over to Namjoon's in a bit, you should drop by...okay?"

"I'll see you then, bye" I said, before pressing the red button and finishing the call.

I sighed, dropping the phone to my side. I continued to stare at the ceiling before urging myself to move and change into an outfit that was presentable for later.

I quickly ran down the stairs grabbing my shoes and an umbrella as I noticed the light raindrops hitting the kitchen window. Scribbling a quick note on the fridge door post it note, I made my way out the door, and ran towards the taxi waiting outside. It took a short 10 minute drive to get to the busy and hyper city of Manhattan, my taxi driver dropping me off just near Time's Square. I ran quickly through the rain, avoiding the various puddles of shapes and sizes along the pavement before eventually making it outside the apartment block to Namjoon's apartment. Pressing the buzzer I prayed that someone would answer as the rain started to hit the pavement heavier and heavier.

"It's open" Namjoon's voice called through the speaker as I shook the umbrella off before pushing the heavy wooden door open to the bottom level of the building.

I quickly ran up the steps, before reaching the door and frantically tapping on it as I attempted to dry my boots on the mat outside the door. The door opened, the warmth from inside radiating out as Yoongi gave me a small smile and a quick 'hi', moving out the way to let me in. I reached down and took my boots off before dropping them to the side of the door and walking through to see Namjoon in the kitchen staring into the fridge.

"Hi" I mumbled as Namjoon spun around giving me a warm smile, his dimples once again appearing on his face "have you had breakfast yet?"

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