The Grand Opening

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Rena Ryuugu was at the inn she had bought, with a bit of help of sprucing thing's up from a few people, there was one thing Rena knew that no one else did for the time being.

The government used to own the inn as a base, there was plenty of secrets only Rena knew about, she never told anyone else. She wanted to keep it secret for until the inn had a good amount of people staying there, she then fixed her hat and dusted herself off and smiled.

Sayori walked up to Rena and smiled widely. "I got some paper's made for the people to fill out, and every room is cleaned, when should we open up?"

Rena thinks for a moment as she twirls around and stops. "Hmm.....well could you get your fellow club members to send flyers out about the grand opening?"

Sayori nods her head. "Sure can Rena, I'll go find Monika first however, she knows how to get everyone's attention."  Sayori picked up her bag and skipped off, as she left through the doors of the inn. She then would keep skipping until she runs into Monika leaving the mall. "Monika!"

Monika stopped in her tracks as she smiled and waved at Sayori. "Hi Sayori, and yes what is it?"

Sayori hands her a flyer for the inn. "Can you make copies of this and have Natsuki and Yuri help hand them out, Rena wants to make sure there's enough people for the grand opening of the inn."

Monika would look at the flyer she was handed and nods. "Sure, I can do that Sayori, the school's copy machine was low on ink, so I bought more for it. By the way, are you going to come to school?"

Sayori shakes her head. "No, not today, I wanna make sure everything at the inn is ready, and maybe we could get Natsuki to make a lot of cupcakes for it too, what do you think?"

Monika thinks for a second and nods. "Sure, I'll ask her." Monika turned her back to Sayori and walks off. "Bye Sayori, see ya around."

Sayori waved bye to Monika as she would then get distracted by the smell of food from the mall and skipped inside.


Monika got back to the school as she went to make copies of the flyer, as she would hum her song she wrote. "And in your reality, if I don't know how to love you I'll leave you be...." She would then pick up the copies after they were made as she left to go head to the literature club.

Once she got there she would open the door to see Yuri and Natsuki already waiting. "Good morning girls."

"M-Morning." Yuri said as she blushed a little. "Where's Sayori?"

"Yeah where is that goof?" Natsuki asked as she saw Monika raises an eyebrow. "What? You all gave me a nickname so why can't I?"

Monika giggled a bit. "Okay Nats, anyway Sayori isn't coming in today. She actaully has a huge job for us to do, and we need to pitch in and do it."

Yuri would look at Monika. "W-What kind of job? Normally you're the one saying we have poem's to do."

Monika shakes her head. "Nope, not today, today is special. You both remember when Sayori said she was doing a part time job?"

"Yeah what about it?" Natsuki asked crossing her arms.

"Well...." Monika said holding up a flyer. "Ta-da! The place Sayori was working at is opening up today, the inn we could casually pass by on the way here and to home, she wants us to pass these flyers out, and she wants you to make cupcakes as well."

Natsuki's face and eye's light up as she turned her head. "That baka, always thinking with her stomach, but fine I'll make cupcakes."

Yuri would hold her hand out in front of Monika. "I'll take some flyers.....I-I can see if anyone in the library would like to come."

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