Secrets revealed

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Ruby was awake from her coma as she had the Time Lord regenerative ability, which eventually lead to her being a new Time Lord. When Rena and Forgotten had told her what was going on, Ruby became enraged.

Ruby had Crescent Rose by her side, after Rena had came back with it. Her, Rena and Forgotten were in the lobby as the others were also present. Ruby looked over at the God of Death as she had her legs crossed. "So, spill the beans, what do you know?"

Forgotten stood there as all eyes were drawn to him.  "Very well, first and for true name is Kanji, I was alive like you all are. However, a evil spirit showed up and killed my drove me mad and I was blinded with rage.....I tried to kill the spirit but failed to do so, I met my fate at the cliffs as I was dropped down to my death." He looked at Ruby and then over at Rena. "I was reformed into this form I am I have a grudge against that for the important stuff."

Ruby sat there still listening to him speak, she wondered who this spirit was he was talking about.

"Clockwork is connected to the other timeline, just as how you all are connected to different timeline versions of yourself." Forgotten said. "Ruby, you and the other timeline Scarlet is from are connected, that's why you went into your coma. The Ruby of Scarlet's timeline relied too much on those silver Scarlet on the other hand, even though Clockwork exist in this timeline. She is much weaker then her other self."

"Meaning we can kill her right?" Mion asked looking at him.

"I'm afraid not, I'm the only one who is capable of slaying that demon...however, I myself was not prepared to see her so soon in this timeline. I have yet to witness the abilities she is capable of doing....the difference between her and Scarlet are on a different level then I excepted." Forgotten said. "Scarlet Rose, was more of a pain to deal with then Clockwork was..though there is something that will change for the worse for you all as Clockwork gets stronger and grows more into Scarlet."

Rena looked at him for a moment as she wondered what he was going on about. "I'm afraid to ask this, but what do you mean?"

Forgotten glanced over at her once more. "If I tell you now, I will have to erase your memories of what I said...however, if you wish to know." He walked over to the other side of the inn's lobby as he turned around after. "In the other timeline, Scarlet Rose became your mother Rena Ryuugu...that timeline version of yourself  is related to her by blood. Even though that Rena was born in Hinamizawa, it still didn't prevent Scarlet from changing fate and destiny."

Rena's eyes widen as she looked at him. "Y-You're joking...please tell me you're joking?"

Forgotten shook his head. "I don't joke...that's the truth, eventually Clockwork will find away to change your fate Rena."


"So, the God of Death is here after all.." Salem said as she looked at Clockwork. "Interesting, to think Forgotten would side with the heroes in the on coming storm."

"What would you wish for me to do?" Clockwork asked as she stood there looking at her

"For now nothing...but we will prepare for war...but first." Salem said. "I think it's time that you take Ruby's silver eyes."

Clockwork smirked. "Of course, I will plan on the assault..however, I feel as if the God of Death will also be a problem as well."

Salem tapped her fingers on her chair as she thinks for a moment, a grin had came across her face as she snapped her fingers. "Then perhaps, the Immortal Sugimoto can deal with him for us...he is under our control after all."

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