Flaming Lavender

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After having settled things with the gambles, cleaning up the mess that was made was huge, but in time it was cleaned, and the literature club was fixed up, Rena went back to working the front desk however after she had cooled down.

As Rena was filling out some paper work, a man came through the doors as he stood in front of the desk, he looked down at Rena and waited for her to notice.

Rena looked up as she raised an eyebrow up. "Hello sir, did you come to buy or rent a room?"

The man nods. "Yes, I am on a business trip mainly investigating different crimes, my name is Connor, I am the android sent by cyber life."

Rena looked at the side of his head and noticed a LED in his temple. "I see, well then Connor,  rent is fifty dollars, I'm still working on changing the amount for owning a room and everything."

Connor looked at the computer as he linked his system to it as his LED changed colors and then back to blue. "My payment is done."

Rena grabbed a set of keys and handed them to Connor. "Here you go, room nineteen."

Connor nodded as he took the keys and went up to his room taking the stairs, Maria came running down to the lobby as she spun around and stopped.

"UU, ice cream!" Maria said as she ran past Rena.

"Ice cream?" Rena asked giggling. "We don't have any in stock, not yet at least."

Maria stopped and turned around to face Rena. "UU, I know, but Rika said she saw the ice cream truck coming."

Rena looked at her still and giggled. "Okay, okay, I'll give you some money to get some." Rena took some cash out and handed it to Maria. "Don't get too much, or you'll have a tummy ache."

Maria nods as she runs out of the lobby, as the ice cream truck came by, it stopped as Maria walked up to it looking at all the flavors. "UU, I'll take chocolate." She then handed the cash to the person, as they handed her a cone.


The sound of a motorcycle could be heard in the distance as Maria looked to her left as she saw a yellow and black motorcycle coming into view as she watched it carefully. The motorcycle soon came to a halting stop as it soon came up to the inn, the person soon got off as they took their helmet off.

Shion came running out as she saw them, her eye's lite up as she smiled at them. "You came, and now I get to see you in person."

The person nod as they looked behind Shion. "So, is she here?"

Shion raised an eyebrow. "She? Oh you mean Ruby, yes she's here, she actually paid for the rooms, I'm sure she'll be happy to see you, not as much as me though."

Maria came running over as she tugs on Shion's sleeve. "UU, Shion, who is this?"

Shion looked down at her and giggled. "Maria, this is Yang, Ruby's sister, Yang this Maria."

Yang looked down at the small child and patted her head. "Hey Maria."

Maria smiled as Yang patted her head. "UU!"

Yang then looked over at Shion. "So, my baby sis payed for my room huh, beat me to it, how is she doing anyway?"

Shion wrapped her arm around Yang's and leaned her head onto her. "She's doing fine, let's go inside, I want to introduce you to the other's."

Maria noticed this as she giggled a little, she then opened the door as she let them go in first, she then went in after. She would then run over to Maria and tug at her sleeve. "UU, Ruby's sister is here, look."

Rena looked up from her paper work and smiled waving at her. "Welcome, I assume you're Yang Xiao Long?"

Yang nods her head as she looked at Rena. "Yep that's me, and you must be Rena Ryuugu, Ruby told me a bit about you."

Rena blushed a bit. "S-She did? Well I should have a few words with her then, but seeing that she had already put in payment for a room for you, you don't have to pay Yang." She then looked at the computer and looked for which room Ruby paid for. "Ah here we go, she payed for room sixteen for you." Rena then hands Yang the key. "Enjoy your stay."

Shion would let go as she looked at Yang. "Do you want me to help you bring your stuff in?"

Yang pointed to her backpack. "I got what I need here, but there are some bags on bumblebee still."

Shion smiled as she went outside to grab the bags, while she did this Mion, Keiichi, Rika and Satoko came into the lobby as they wondered what all that noise was about. Shion would soon come back inside as she had three of Yang's bags, one on her back, and two in her hands.

"So you're Yang." Mion said looking at her. "Hmm....normally our grandma and the other family members of the Sonozaki family wouldn't allow a Sonozaki to date the same gender or...well Satoshi....sorry if I brought his name up Shi."

Shion shakes her head and smiled. "It's fine Mi, I have Yang now."

Ruby came tumbling down the stairs and landed face flat onto the floor as she held a thumbs up. "I'm okay!"


After Yang unpacked and was settled into her room, she heard Rena talking with Ruby outside of her room, she raised an eyebrow as she listened in.

"Hey maybe you can help me with the inn? Like do the front desk at times, and other stuff." Rena said.

Ruby looked at her and smiled a bit. "Maybe, but I do have a job to go to soon, I was hired to work at a ice cream shop by the mall, but it does sound like an idea though."

Rena gave her a small hug as she turned around. "Well, I have plans with Yumeko, maybe you can tag along sometime with us to see a movie? And who knows, maybe I'll let you babysit Maria sometime, depends on how well she likes you."

Ruby giggled and smiled again. "Alright Rena, have fun then." She then walked off back to her room, as she slowly walked in as Rika and Satoko were sound asleep.

Yang stopped listening as she smiled. "Ruby you sure made a lot of friends." She then sat on her bed and called Shion. "Yo Shi, want to go hang out somewhere?"

Shion smiled as she twirled a piece of her hair with her finger. "Sure....I've been dying to go out with you for a while, so where are we going?"

Yang thinks as she looks at a map. "Hmm....well, there's a night club we could go to, I know where it is, well it's more like a bar."

Shion thinks for a moment as she smiled. "Sure, I'd would like that." Shion hung up as she got ready.

Mion shook her head but smiled as she looked at her. "Shi, be careful okay?"

Shion nods her head as she looked at her twin. "I'll be okay Mi, it's not like it's the end of the world..besides, you know how long I've been wanting this."

"Yeah that's true." Mion said. "Well, have fun."

Shion smiled as she walked out of the room to go meet up with Yang. As she walked out of the inn, she saw Yang on her motorcycle and got onto the back. "I'm ready to go Yang."

Yang started it up as she looked back. "Hold on tight Shi, this will be one hell of time, you'll be surprised." With that said, Yang drove off with Shion on the back of bumblebee.

(Authors note: Sorry if this chapter was short, I couldn't think of anything else to put.)

~𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐼𝓃𝓃~Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora