The Aftermath

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The following day at the inn, Rena was doing some paper work, as Keiichi walked into the inn and went to the front desk, where Rena was at.

"Hey Rena." Keiichi said setting his bag down. "I guess Mion told you last night huh?"

Rena would nod. "Mmhmm, she did, Satoko and Rika are sharing a room, same for Mion and Shion, but are you going to buy a room?"

Keiichi scratches his head a bit. "Yeah I can, how much?"

Rena thinks for a moment. "Well seeing I got complaint reports today about the price I changed it to eight hundred dollars and eighty eight thousand yen, it can be either way really to buy or rent a room."

Keiichi took about the amount of yen from his wallet and hands it to her. "There you go Rena, you should get some help with this."

Rena takes the yen and puts a key in front of Keiichi. "I know, Mion and Shion are going to help, anyway here's your keys, your room is room ninety nine, it's across from Shion and Mion's room, don't worry, Satoko didn't place any traps for you."

Keiichi takes the keys. "Alright thanks Rena." He then went up the stairs to him room to unpack.

Rena would go back to doing the paperwork as a woman walked in as she was a familar face to Rena, "Aya aya, hello Rena."

Rena looks up again as she waves a little. "Hello Takano, are you here to buy a room?"

Takano would shake her head. "No, I would love to, but seeing there hasn't been a nurse or doctor to come here, I thought I should take that spot, like the good old days."

Rena stretches a bit. "Mm, well okay then, we do need one. But no funny business okay, I'm not saying I'd kick you out for anything unusual."

Takano nods. "Very well then, I'll be in the nurse's office if you need me." She then goes up stairs to the nurse's office.

Rena sighs. "Now, maybe I can finish these paper's without any interruptions."

Mion walked down to the lobby and went over to Rena. "I can take over if you want, and you so you can finish the paperwork, I'm sure Monika and the other's wouldn't mind if you used the club to finish it."

Rena scoots back and picks the papers up. "I can find out, and thanks, I need a break anyway." Rena the walks off the the literature club to find out from Monika.

Mion sat down as she saw someone walk in. "Hello, welcome, would you like a room?"

The boy would nod as he hands Mion his card.

"Huh, Saiki Kusuo, well then, I'll just put in your credit card and you'll be set." Mion said as she swipes the card into the machine and hands it back to Saiki. "There you go, and here's your keys. You have room 103."

Saiki took the keys and his bags as he walked into the elevator to his room.


A little while later in the day, Shion put her phone down as she was hiding a text message she had gotten from someone she has been talking with, she had meet from a pun blog site, she then showed Mion a note from Keiichi. Both twins were in the dining room looking at the note Keiichi had made, as bboth of them looked at each other and then back at the note.

" he wants to meet us at the park later today, okay I guess the whole having one of us for a girlfriend came to him huh?" Mion asked. "You know what that means right?"

Shion nods. "Yep, it meas we dress as each other to see who he picks, and I noticed Takano had did something to Rena, and Vamp was trying to confront her about it."

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