WAR part 3

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Scarlet had the upper hand on the gang for a moment, and was about to finish them off until a giant ice ball came crashing down on her. Someone unknown had just saved them from certain death, but who was it?

The mysterious woman scoffed as she crossed her arms. "Tch, I can't get a single kill in thanks to this..however, she's going fill that need....you three. I'm not saving you out of the kindness of my heart, either you run away or fight..your choice."

Ruby, Rena and Blake looked at one another as they looked back at the woman. "Who are you?"

The woman smirked as she tipped her hat down a little. "My name is Esdeath, a high-ranking general of the empire...in short to others, I'm the Ice Queen."

The ice ball that had flattened Scarlet began to crack as this drew Esdeath's attention. Ruby, Rena and Blake got into battle stance as they knew Scarlet wasn't dead, Esdeath however was a bit confused but assumed Scarlet had an imperial arms protecting her.

"Hey, bit of advice...Esdeath. Try to avoid all contact with her." Rena said.

"Don't give me orders." Esdeath said.

"suit yourself general..but she's not going to die easily." Rena said.

The ice shattered as Scarlet walked out of the crater that was made by it. "Kill....I'll kill you all!"

"She's unfazed by it." Esdeath said shocked and surprised. "But I see no imperial arms with her...what is she?"

Scarlet glared at Esdeath and grinned widely, she rushed towards the general as she reached out to grab her by the neck. However Esdeath didn't waste time in avoiding the rushed attack, she kneed Scarlet in the gut and slams her into the ground.

"That was too easy." Esdeath said as she stomps on Scarlet's back rubbing her heel into her spine. "You pig, you think you can strike me down?"

Scarlet laughed insanely as she rotates her head to her back as she glares at Esdeath and bites her in the leg.  Esdeath yelled in pain as she stumbled backwards, she gritted her teeth as she glares at Scarlet. "What....what are you?"

Scarlet stood up and wipes the blood from her mouth and grins. "I am the embodiment of death, the devil reincarnated...I am everything, you ever were afraid of. I am your worst dream come true!"

"I fear nothing!" Esdeath yelled as she used her trap card to freeze time, she grinned not knowing Scarlet was able to move in the frozen time. "HA! Now I can slaughter you slowly, and maybe even torture you."

Scarlet slowly walked towards Esdeath and grins again. "AHAHAHA! You think this will stop me?" She grabbed Esdeath by the throat and raises her up off the ground. "I can easily kill you here and now."

Esdeath gagged and chocked but managed to pull away from Scarlet as she broke her arm and jumped back. "How? There's no way anyone can move."


Time unfroze as the two were staring each other down. Rena watched as she knew that even Esdeath wouldn't be able to survive a full out attack with Scarlet, she gripped her cleaver and with insanity kicked into overdrive she murderously swung her cleaver  at Scarlet's head and sliced it off.

"Your nightmare ends here!" Rena yelled as she took a huge stomp on her head. "HAHAHAHAH! AHAHAHA! DIE! DIE!"

Esdeath was speechless as she watched this girl slaughter the other, she wasn't sure if they were just pulling her leg on the whole she can't die part or what.

But of course, Scarlet wasn't dead a backup clone showed up out of the blue and kicked Rena down and spits on her. "When will you learn Rena? I can't die!"

Rena gritted her teeth and growls. "Damn you!"

"Oh, but this is where you end up Rena...I can kill whoever I want to...even if that means your precious little friends!" Scarlet said with insanity.

"Don't you dare...don't you dare lay a finger on my friends!" Rena snarled as she swung her cleaver at Scarlet's legs. "I don't give a damn if you're related to me or not! I will kill you!"

Scarlet grins widely as she back flips. "Ara ara, so the other timeline me is related to you...how interesting, how about we fix that then hmm?"

"Bastard, don't you dare do it!" Rena said as she ran at her.

Scarlet laughed and gut punched Rena knocking her unconscious, she glared at Ruby and ran at her. "As for you my little Rose...your fate is sealed!"

"No wait!" Ruby cried out.

Scarlet bit into Ruby's neck and cut a rift open before jumping into it taking Ruby with her. Blake was horrified, she was shaking in her boots. She didn't have any strength to stop Scarlet, it felt like she was hit but a on coming truck. "No...Ruby, I'm sorry...I couldn't help.."

Esdeath was looking at the two, as she saw others coming. Keiichi, Mion and Shion all hurried over to Rena as they saw that Ruby was gone, Mion looked over at Blake. "What happened? Where's Ruby?"

Blake fell to her knees as they gave out on her. "She was...she was taken...kidnapped."

"What? And you couldn't stop that?!" Keiichi asked.

"I...." Blake said.

"You what?!" Keiichi asked. "Huh?!"

"Keiichi, calm down." Mion said. "Remember, Forgotten said that the more stronger Clockwork gets, the more it'll be harder for us to stop her."

Keiichi looked away as he walked off. Rena was still unconscious until Esdeath decided to step in and used some smelling salt she found, Rena began to slowly wake up as she looked around. "W...Where's?"

"She took her Rena....Clockwork took Ruby." Mion said.


Else where, Cinder was having a bit of issues with the team who were blocking her path, no matter how much she tried. She would be stopped.

"Not so fast." Zero Two said as she slammed the mecha foot down by her. "You're not going no where."

Cinder scoffed as she backed up, she looked around trying to find a way out. But wasn't able to, Qrow blocked her path as he kicked her in the face. "Eat dirt you scum."

Astolfo jumped out of the mecha suit and pinned Cinder down onto the ground, he smirked as he looked at Cinder for a moment. "You're toast now."

"Tch, to think I'd be caught by the likes of you...when Clockwork finishes her job you'll be next." Cinder said.

"Oh hush villain." Astolfo said as he tapped her mouth shut. "So...what do we do about her now? She seemed a little to easy to take down."

"A bit too easy." Zero Two said.

Cinder's hands were free which was something Astolfo had failed to tie up, she shot fire blast at him knocking him off of her. She ripped the tape off of her mouth and smirked. "Because you've all fallen for a simple little trap...to think you three were easy prey for this trap."

"Oh for the love of!" Qrow said.

Mercury and Emerald showed up with some other White Fang, followed by Adam in tow. "Wow, and I thought finding Ruby would be easy, you three take the cake...however you'll just be bait."

Zero Two stayed in the mecha as she looked around. "And now Grimm are starting to show up more."

"Oh that's not good...." Astolfo said.

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