Blue Snow (Warning ahead)

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A/N: [This chapter will have a lot of strong language and a lot of sexual dirty jokes, if you do not like the following please do not read this chapter.]

After a successful Christmas celebration, everyone had went back to their normal routine. The only thing that stayed up in the inn was the Christmas lights. But a new person approached the entrance of the inn.

Takano was handing some paper work to Rena in the lobby as they were at the front desk, the doors had opened up as a girl in a school uniform and what appeared to be a bracelet and a collar of sorts on walked in looking around.

"Hello, welcome to they Ryuugu inn." Rena said. "And you are?"

The girl looked at her and held out a pink cell phone. "My name is Ayame Kajou, and I'm here to thrust into a room."

"Thrust?" Rena asked a little uneasy by what was said. "Uh.....I can help you with a room, but why did you say that?"

Takano just looked at Ayame not pleased by her actions of words.

"Let me get a room please." Ayame said. "How much will panties and thrusting buy me?"

Rena just looked at her as she sighed. "Takano....can you and Revy deal with her?"

"Of course." Takano said grabbing a syringe.

Right on queue Revy popped up as she looked at Ayame. "Oh? so someone is causing trouble?"

"Wait don't tell me... It's her butt-hole you're after?" Ayame asked. "Gotcha."

"Please handle her, I'm not in any mood to deal with her." Rena said as she stood up and walked away from the lobby.

"Wait what about my room?" Ayame asked.

"Ara ara, you really need to learn your place Ayame." Takano said.

"Yeah what she said." Revy said cracking her knuckles and grinned.

"Can't we talk about this ladies?" Ayame asked. "I have a lot of porno magazines you both can read."

"Like hell we'll let some brat bribe us." Revy said as she grabbed Ayame by the arms.

Takano smiled as she took the syringe and put the needle into Ayame's neck injected the fluids into her body.

" far." Ayame said feeling sleepy. "Big d..." She then collapsed before she could finish what she was going to say."

Revy and Takano lifted Ayame up and took her to a empty room and placed her down in a chair and tied her up so she wouldn't run. "Now we wait for her to wake up."

Ayame woke up soon after. "ick....wait why am I tied up?"

Revy was sitting on the table smoking a cigarette as she looked over at Ayame. "About fucking time...though Takano injected the wrong thing in your body."

"OOOH~ kinky." Ayame said.

Revy blew smoke into her face as she glared at her. "Enough of the sex talk already, now I see why Rena was annoyed the moment you walked in bitch."

"You can't change who I am, so I decided to change the world instead." Ayame said. "But how can I smile in a world where I can't shout 'cunt' at the top of my lungs?"

Revy cocked an eyebrow up as she looked at her more. "What do you mean?"

Ayame smirked."Penis pounding a pussy!!!"

"The fuck you just say you brat?!" Revy asked as she yelled at her pointing her gun at Ayame's face. "I dare you to say that again, my trigger finger is itching."

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