WAR part 1

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New was being spread like wild fire, about Salem making an army. However, Alucard had suggested they should go to war to prevent Salem from getting the upper hand. Only question was how would they do it?

"So what's the plan?" Revy asked as she looked at Alucard and Forgotten. "Do we set explosions or?"

"Well yes, but to lure Clockwork out into the open with the mutated Sugimoto...we need bait." Alucard said as he looked over towards her.

"And that would be?" Mion asked.

"Her." Alucard said pointing to Ruby.

"Me? But why?" Ruby asked. "Oh wait....I get it now, my silver eyes. She's after them..."

"Bingo." Alucard said. "However, if we can lure her to where Revy and the rest of the Lagoon had set the explosives....she'll be blown sky high."

Rena had the look of doubt on her face. "And if it doesn't work? Then what?"

Ruby looked back at her and then rubbed her chin. "Hmm, she has a point. What if it doesn't work?"

"There's a plan B, don't worry." Rock said as he looked at her.

Takano smirked as she nods. "Yes, that's going to be something I can do."

"If you're planning on infecting her with the Hinamizawa Syndrome it's not going to work." Forgotten said. "Like I've said....the other timeline version of herself was a pain to hunt down. Using that will just make Clockwork more psychotic."

"You've got to be kidding me." Shion said with a groan.

"Surely there could be other people out there we can count on right?" Keiichi asked.

"UU! What about Beatrice?" Maria asked. "Beatrice can make Clockwork a pawn of her game and slaughter her with her witch powers."

"You mean the same game we've been stuck in when we went to the island?" Mion asked. "How do we even know if she'll be helpful?"

Maria pouted and stomps her feet. "Beatrice won't betray us like that...Battler is still dealing with her though."


Clockwork was on the path towards the inn, however there was a bit of delay as Atlas military had showed up blocking her path. General James Ironwood was also with them as he stepped forward.

"I'm sorry. But we can't allow you to pass, your end is here monster." Ironwood said.

"Oh, would you look at that." Clockwork said with a grin. "I guess news does go fast around Remnant...tell me General, do you believe in destiny?"

The Atlas soldiers aimed their guns at her and waited for her to attack, Ironwood cocked an eyebrow up wondering what she was on about. "And why does it seem so important?"

Clockwork grinned sinisterly as she laughed. "AHAHAHA! Why? Because I'm starving, and you're in the way!" She licked her lips as she glared at him.

"Open fire!" Ironwood shouted.

The military began opening fire at Clockwork and Sugimoto, what they didn't know was both were immortal and. The dust was slowly clearing as Sugimoto came running out roaring like a insane Grimm, he grabbed one of the soldiers by the head and slammed them into the ground.

"I-Impossible." Ironwood said.

"Fufufu...what's wrong James?" Clockwork asked as she approached the general. "I thought you were going to kill us?"

"Tch...you monster." Ironwood said.

"No....I'm the devil." Clockwork said with a toothy grin.

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