Sugimoto vs Clockwork

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Having gone and saved Astolof and Yang, Hanyuu had left the mall with the two. While Sugimoto stayed behind to deal with Clockwork, a battle between two immortal beings...only one will be victorious.

"Good luck trying to kill me, who the hell do you think I am?" Sugimoto asked. "I'm the immortal Sugimoto!"

Clockwork grins as she licked her lips. "Well now...this will be fun." She pointed Black Rose at Sugimoto. "Let us dance to we die! Immortal Sugimoto..."

"Now you're talking." Sugimoto said as he had his trigger finger on the trigger and his hand on the blade.

A small ding could be heard as the mall was silent for the most part until a metal rod hit a bell, Clockwork took a quick step as she strikes first at Sugimoto. However, Sugimoto fired his type 30 right at her as the bullet went flying.

Clockwork deflected the bullet with her scythe as she swings the scythe at Sugimoto, the blade sliced into his shoulder as Clockwork dug it deep into him. "AHAHA! So much for calling yourself immortal! A shame, I thought this would've been more...interesting."

Sugimoto gritted his teeth but smirked. "Oh, but you're not even paying attention." He had lit a small grenade fuse as he stabbed his blade into her, cutting a small enough gap in her abdomen to plant the grenade in. He then slipped away from her and smirked again, right as he did that he looked directly at her. "By the way...Revy said. Fuck you."

Clockwork snarled as the grenade soon blew up inside her which had Sugimoto think he killed her with ease. But it wasn't as easy as he thought, Clockwork had one thing he didn't...a semblance, Clockwork had stopped time before the explosion. She moved the grenade out of her abdomen as she slithered away to regenerate the hole, once she had done that...time resumed which ended up in what Sugimoto saw.

Sugimoto waited for the smoke to clear as he hadn't heard any thing from the explosion. "Wait...don't tell me."

Clockwork snickered and laughed as she ran at him and rammed her shoulder into his face knocking him backwards. "Useless move, you can't kill matter, I'll give you a proper death Sugimoto."

Sugimoto quickly got up before Clockwork could pin him down to the floor, he jabbed his blade into her chest and pushed it deeper before taking another shot from his type 30 after reloading it. The time the bullet went straight into her head, Sugimoto smirked as he knew it would at least do some damage.


Unfortunately the battle went on for hours, time flew by slow but it was starting to get dark out already, Forgotten wasn't even around to do that. He was off else where doing God knows what. However, there was someone watching the two battle. They were just a black silhouette but had what looked like yellow glasses on that was the only thing that was visible.

Sugimoto was beaten and bloody, but he still stood his ground..he noticed how there was barely any damage to Clockwork, expect for a few cuts and scrapes but nothing serious to make her bleed as much as he was. "Tch, you really do live up to the part of being immortal...however, being immortal comes with a cost."

Clockwork scoffed as she this time decided to run at him once more, but this time however she stabbed her hand through his chest. "Sleep now solider." Before she could sink her fangs into his neck, a bullet was sent flying towards her as it went through her mouth.

Sugimoto pulled away from Clockwork and upper cuts her in the jaw sending her flying upward. He then attached his blade to his type 30 before impaling it through Clockwork, he reloaded once more and fired the gun again. Though he wondered where the other bullet had came from since he hadn't done it.

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