The big gamble part 1

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After Ruby had gotten settled into the inn, she had unpacked and went to sleep after chatting with her sister on her scroll.

Day break came as Runa was no where to be seen in the lobby of the inn, however, there was a line at the literature club as if there was something going on. Sayori had walked out of the club room holding what looked like a deck of cards and a bag of gambling chips, Maria was sitting on the sofa in the lobby as she noticed this.

"UU, what's going on in the literature club Sayori?" Maria asked looking at her.

Sayori stops in her tracks as she turns her head to face Maria. "Oh, there's a gamble going on, Yumeko is competing against everyone, well kinda, Runa and the others are in there as well."

Maria tilts her head. "Others?" She then jumped off the sofa and ran over to Sayori looking dead into her eye's. "UU, what others?"

Sayori looked into her eye's. "Why the other's from Yumeko's school, Kirari, Mary, Ririka, and Midari, Runa said that more should be coming later."

Maria smiled as she turned around. "UU! gamble, gamble." Maria ran over to the literature club and peeks in seeing all the gambling going on.

The other Doki's were in the room, as Monika was gambling against Yumeko, Natsuki was just watching, while Yuri was trying her best to gamble against Midari. Maria looked around the club room seeing if she could spot Rena in the mix of it all, but she couldn't see her.

"Again!" Midari yelled looking at Yuri. "Pull the trigger!" Midari was sweating and panting, as well as blushing, her tongue was hanging out of her mouth as her eye shrank a bit.

Yuri gulped nervously as she pulled the trigger as the slot was empty as she passed the gun back to Midari. "H-Here, y-your turn."

Midari gripped the gun as her other hand was between her legs as if she was indicating some sort of pleasure from this game, she bit her lower lip as she let out a small moan. "Yes, this is it!"

Natsuki looked over and scoffs as she was sickened by it all, she then went to go walk out of the room but was stopped as Mary as she turned around to face her. "What? Can't I leave?"

Mary just glared into Natsuki's eye's. "Come, let us gamble, since that seems to be the only thing going on."

While this was going on, Yumeko was nearly winning against Monika in their gamble, Yumeko grins as she took one of her hands and groped her own breast with it, she was enjoying this gamble more then Midari was, Monika didn't take notice of this, but she could tell Yumeko was the kind of gambler that got pleasure from it.

"Make your move Monika." Yumeko said as she crossed her legs and bit her lower lip as her eye's glowed red as she leaned over on the table watching Monika.

Monika's eye's looked up from her hand of cards as she glared at Yumeko, she had a small smirk on her face that she didn't let Yumeko see. "Oh're getting distracted by the pleasure of this gamble, but you haven't noticed it have you?"

Yumeko raises an eyebrow as she looks at the club president. "Notice what?"

Monika's smirk got wide as she took one of the cards from her hand and placed it down. "I've been holding you in a pity trap...shame you didn't see it sooner Yume."

Yumeko looked at the card and blinked as she looked down at the deck she had in her hands. "You think you won? But that's not true see, you can't win against me, not even if you use your so called mechanic coding powers to look at my hand." Yumeko then places her hand of cards down as she looked up at Monika. "I win."

Monika was speechless, she looked at the cards Yumeko had placed down, as she trembled a bit. "H...How? I had you cornered...there's no way, Takano was right, you're not human."

Yumeko leaned over the table as she got closer to Monika's face as she whispered into her ear. "Too bad for you was a fun game, but your gambling chips are mine now."

"Let's go Monika, you lost." Runa said as she walked over to the two. "Yumeko wins this match."

"Eh?!" Natsuki said looking over at Monika. "How could you lose! You're the club president for crying out loud!"

Mary snaps her fingers as Natsuki turns her attention back to Mary. "Yes, I know, we have to gamble..."

Ririka watched as Monika was leaving the room, she then decided to follow behind her slowly, Maria was no longer in the lobby as she was outside with Rika and Satoko. Ririka soon made herself known to Monika as she puts her hand on her shoulder.

"You had a clever plan there, but Yumeko isn't the kind of gambler to let her prey slip past her fingers." Ririka said.

Monika turned around to face the masked woman. "So what? What do you expect me to do now? Gamble with her again."

Ririka would simply tilt her head a bit. "If you wish to yes." She then noticed Monika's hand grab her mask as she tried to stop Monika from pulling it off. "S-Stop!"

Monika didn't listen as she pulled the mask clear off of Ririka as she saw who she was. "'re Kirari's twin sister...splendid."

Ririka was surprised as her face was flushed red. "P-Please don't tell anyone...Give me the mask back, I-I'll do anything you say."

Monika was now either corrupted or liked the idea of what Ririka said as she had a huge grin on her face, it gave Ririka the creeps though. Monika simply handed the mask to the girl as she turned around with her back towards Ririka.

"So you'll do whatever I say huh?" Monika asked. "Well then Ririka, I'll be sure to put you to good use."


The gambling in the literature club was still going on as some new comers had came into the picture, it looked like a group however, they didn't even bother to register for any rooms.

One of the new comers who seemed like a butler but to the other's they looked like an ordinary boy well so they thought.

"Hello, my name is Rei Batsubami, I am not here to gamble, but I am simply the butler, allow me to introduce you all to." Rei then stood out of the way of the door as a few people came in. "Terano Totobami, Yumi Totobami, Miri Yobami, Miyo Inbami, Miroslava Honebami, Erimi Mushibami, Sumika Warakubami, Rin Obami, Ibara Obami, and lastly...Nozomi Komabami."

The Doki's didn't pay them any mind, as Ririka, Runa, Kirari, and Midari looked over at the new comers, Kirari and Ririka knew who they were which seemed not bother the two twin sister's. However Monika stepped forward as she looked at them all, and then glances at Rei after she had looked at them all.

"So what's the deal? You just come walking into the inn, and don't bother register for a room." Monika said. "Are you just here to gamble?"

Rei would sigh as she simply looked at the burnett. "I will buy the room for us all yes."

Erimi looked at Monika and smirked a bit. "Oh, feisty aren't we? Tell you what, if you and your team of gamblers can beat half of us, we will stay here at the inn, but if we beat you, we will take over the inn as our own."

"I wouldn't be as wise as to do that." Natsuki said. "You see, you wont be able to take the inn so easily..."

Miyo snickered a bit. "Oh? And who's going to make sure we don't shorty?"

Suddenly the literature club felt dim as eye's seemed to be beating down on both Erimi and Miyo, Erimi was shown to be the torturer of the whole group, but this had her shaking in her boots, Miyo however didn't seem fazed by this. But just as when Erimi was about to speak, Yuri and Sayori moved out of the way as Rena stepped forward with her friends, Rena was holding her cleaver, Keiichi had his bat, Mion had a syringe in hand, Shion had her taser, Rika and Satoko simply had nothing on hand, but they did show they meant business.

"Who's the one who said they'd take over the inn?" Rena asked as her tone of voice would send chills down almost everyone's spine.

Monika would point over to Erimi and Miyo. "They did, they want to gamble for the inn."

Rena pointed her cleaver at the two as it shined a bit. "No one, I mean no one will take this inn away from me."

Rei looked over at Rena and noticed that not only her eye's but Shion's and Mion's eye's were not normal, but looked more demonic then anything. "A simple gamble is worth it yes? I'm assuming you all know how?"

The Sonozaki twims looked at each other and then back at the group as they smirked widely.

"Say Shion, Mion, why don't you two show Miyo and Miri how you two work well together hmm?" Rena asked as she looked at the twins.

Mion laughed a bit as she looked at her sister. "What do you say dear sister? Shall we show those two what it means to be a member of the Sonozaki family?"

Shion nods as she looked at a table already set for gambling. "Let's, but first, a little gift for the two."

Mion walked over to Miyo and Miri as she held the syringe out as she approached the two.

"What are you doing, stay back." Miri said trying to back away but get's held in place by Monika.

Mion would then inject the needle into Miri's neck and then emptying half the syringe into her body as she then puts it into Miyo's neck next emptying the rest into her body. "Now...we can gamble."

Rena looked at Erimi as she pointed her cleaver at her. "You will gamble with me."
Erimi gulped as she was sweating from the amount of fear she had saw in their eye's. "Okay...lets gamble."

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