Zero Two

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Rena had left the inn to go with Beatrice back to her palace as she left Ruby to handle things while she was gone.

Ruby was sitting at the front desk of the Ryuugu inn as she was doing a little bit of paper work, the door opened up as a female walked in. She approached the desk as she tapped on the bell after getting there.

Ruby looked up at the person as she smiled. "Hello, welcome to the Ryuugu inn. I'm Ruby Rose, I will be taking your questions and comments on things so feel free to ask."

"Oh how nice, and I'm code 000, or you can call me Zero Two." Zero Two said as she looked at the huntress. "Why is the inn called Ryuugu?"

Ruby looked at Zero Two for a bit longer. "Well the owner of the inn is name Rena Ryuugu, and since she is the owner, the inn has her last name resulting in The Ryuugu inn."

Zero Two nodded her head. "I see, interesting."

Ruby looked away for a split second to look at the computer. "Would you like a room Zero Two?"

Zero Two put put a hand in her bag as she was searching for any change she had but couldn't find anything. "I think I'm broke?"

Ruby sighed but smiled. "That's okay, you can always stay with someone in their room until then."

Zero Two's eyes lite up as she smiled widely giving Ruby a bear hug. "Thank you, but who has the extra space?"

Ruby looked at the list again. "Hmm...well how about Monika? Her and the other club members only use their rooms for when they're over here, other then that. They do have homes outside of the inn."

Zero Two nodded. "Okay, and where is this Monika at now?"

Ruby pointed to the literature club. "She's in there, you can go tell her you're her new roommate."

Zero Two nods again as she walked off and over to the club room, she then walked in as she saw Monika sitting on the teacher's desk reading a book. Monika perks her head up from the book and saw the newcomer, she waved to Zero Two with a smile.

"You must be Monika?" Zero Two asked.

"The one and only." Monika said. "How can I help you?"

Zero Two walked over a little closer to the club president. "I'm going to be your new roommate starting today."

Monika cocked an eyebrow up as she got off the desk and walked over to the door and saw Ruby waving at her. "Oh, I get it. Well okay then what's your name?"

"Zero Two." Zero Two said to her. "That's my name, nothing else."

"Strange name, but nice to meet you." Monika said. "Follow me to the room then."

Zero Two nodded her head as she followed Monika out of the club room and up the stairs, Ruby smiled again as she walked away from the desk and put a the closed sign on it. Maria came running out of the dining room as she bumped into Ruby falling onto her butt. "UU.....that hurt."

"Watch it silly." Ruby said helping her up. "What's the rush where's the fire?"

Maria looked up at Ruby and smiled. "No fire, just some news."

"Oh?" Ruby asked kneeling down to her level. "What is it?"

Maria smiled. "Picnic."

"A picnic?" Ruby asked

"Yep you heard right little sis." Yang said rubbing Ruby's head. "Me and Shion are going to have a picnic later, wanna tag along?"

Ruby looked at her sister. "So that's why Maria is excited."

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