Melody Rose Part 1

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After the event that had taken place, Rena was washed up onto a beach, that was far from the inn. She was out cold for a long while not moving a muscle, it was clear she wouldn't be waking up anytime soon.

Maria was looking around as she sat next to Sayori. "UUU pretty lights." She was dangling her legs from the chair as she was leaning close to get a better look at a book.

Sayori giggled as she looked over at Shion. "Hey Shi, you said that Rena was left behind right? Do you think she's going to be okay?"

Shion looked at Sayori. "That's what Battler had said yes, but Rena is a strong girl, she'll pull through."

Maria nods her head as she agreed with Shion. "UUU! Sis is strong indeed, she'll come back you'll see."

In the distance Rika watched as she looked back at Hanyuu. "Tell me, did Mion and Keiichi live?"

Hanyuu light shakes her head. "No, I'm afraid they haven't, it's up to Beatrice now on who lives and dies."

Rika sighed as she looked down. "Then we have to put faith into Battler."

Yumeko was gambling like always, as she over heard Rika speaking. "Hmm...Beatrice huh? Sounds like a person I'd want to gamble against, but I should really invite the rest of the crew over." She then picked up a phone and called in.


Satoko was out for a walk with Natsuki as they were chatting for a bit, as something had caught Natsuki's eye.

"Hey, Satoko...isn't that Vamp over there by the beach?" Natsuki asked pointing over to him. "It looks like he had found something."

Satoko looked over and decided to quickly run to where he was, leaving Natsuki in the dust. "Vamp, what are you doing out here? Did y...." She was then cut off as she saw what Vamp had found, more or less who he found.

Vamp turned his head to the side to see Satoko and nods. "Yeah, it's Rena alright, she's alive."

Natsuki came over as she saw Rena. "If she's alive then give her CPR, she's drenched in water."

"Well duh." Satoko said. "But where's her cleaver at? But let's worry about that later, we need to do this."

Vamp would nod but before he could do anything, Rena coughed as she groaned, Satoko flipped Rena over so that she could vomit better. Rena coughed more as she spat up the water that was inside her body, she tried to stand but stumbled back only for Natsuki to catch her.

Vamp stood up and looked down at Rena. "Let's get you back to the inn, Monika has been running the inn while you were gone."

Rena looked at the three and smiled weakly. "That's good....I need some rest...."

Natsuki sighed as she helps Rena to her feet. "Is there' going to be anymore chaos we don't know that's going to happen? Or is it just this?"

Rena was too weak to say anything more, Vamp had helped her get to her feet as they all walked back to the inn.

On the way there, Yumeko had given the other's some rooms, as she looked over at Runa giving her a set of keys. "Here Runa, normally Monika runs the front desk at this time of day, but she's busy, so you're in charge."

Runa looked at Yumeko and nods. "Got it."

Vamp had gotten back with Rena, as Satoko and Natsuki helped him with her, as they placed her onto the sofa in the lounge, Maria ran over after seeing them come back, she then looked over at Rena already sleeping on the sofa.

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