Melody Rose Part 2

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A/N : Hiya guys, hehe it's been a while.....but I will continue the inn story, but only make this chapter and another, then I will go back to my RWBY one, mainly universal chaos. But I might come back here after I do the new arc of that story. Anyway without anymore time wasting, let's get this ball rolling!

Yang and Shion had left the Ryuugu inn, as they were on their first date out. Ruby was cleaning the library as she bumped heads with Yuri, knocking the shy girl on her butt by mistake.

"Oh my gosh Yuri I'm so sorry." Ruby said dropping the broom to help her up.

Yuri rubbed her head as she looked at the huntress. "N-No it's okay....I wasn't looking were I was going.." She took Ruby's hand as she was helped up by her. "Thank you...."

Ruby smiled a bit as there was a knock at the doorway. "Ruby you here?"

Ruby poked her head from around the corner to see Rena standing there in her casual outfit. "Hauu~! Wait what did I just say?"

Rena giggled. "Looks like someone is taking after me, not that I'm complaining."

Ruby smiled but scratched her head. "Hey Rena, do you ever wonder if there's more out there?"

Rena raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Ruby walked over to her and wrapped her arm around her. "A vast verity of different worlds and universes."

"You mean Multiverse?" Yuri asked.

Ruby nods. "Yeah that."

Rena puts a hand on her chin as she closes her eyes. " that you mention it Rubes...."

Ruby looked at her as she tilts her head. "UUU? Oh great, now I'm taking after Maria.."

Rena giggled and flicked her nose. "It's cute, and to answer your question...yes it is possible that there is more out there."

Yuri nodded as she picked up a book. "U-Uh....can I ask you two a favor?"

Ruby and Rena stared at Yuri wondering what the shy girl wanted. "Shoot."

Yuri played with a piece of her hair. "C-Could I hang out with you both and get some advise?"

"I mean....sure, me and Rena were going to go to her room to watch a scary movie, Yumeko is going to be there too, so why not." Ruby said.

"Yuri you're always welcomed to tag along anytime." Rena said as she smiled.


After cleaning up a bit, Ruby went to her room to get her pajamas ready for the night, Sayori knocked on the door as she poked her head into the room. "RUUUBY!"

Ruby perked her head up as she looked at the girl. "SAAAAYORI!"

Sayori smiled as she skipped into the room. "What'cha doing red?"

Ruby sat on her bed and took her boots off. "Just getting some stuff ready for the movie night in Rena's room."

Sayori scooted closer to Ruby as she was face to face with the young huntress. "Movie night? Can I come?"

Ruby thinks for a moment. "Maaaybe."

Sayori pouted as she held her breath.

"Okay you can, but I have to ask Rena." Ruby said. "Besides, Yuri's going to be there too, so maybe you coming will make her feel less awkward?"

Sayori's eye's sparkled as she hugged Ruby tightly. "Thank you."

"Can't breath Sayori.." Ruby said patting her on the back. "Need air..."

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