Demon In The Night

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Arriving at the inn unexpected and being chewed out by Rena, Haruhi left the inn leaving Kyon to pay for the rooms. However, Haruhi ended up having a nightmare only to wake up in the middle of the night and stumbling upon Monika.

Monika noticed her coming as she was still wide awake. "Hello Haruhi's been a while."

Haruhi froze in place as she slowly shined the flash light at Monika's direction. "Club president Monika, w-why are you here?"

Monika had a glimmer in her eye as it shined emerald green before she smirked. "I've been here longer then you for what I have on mind is going to be so much fun."

Haruhi cocked an eyebrow up wondering what she meant. "Uh...what?"

Monika walked over to Suzumiya before stopping. "By they way, have you seen Yuri at all today?"

Haruhi shakes her head. "No why?"

"Odd." Monika said scratching her head.


In town, Yuri was walking around despite it being night out. It seemed to be the only time Yuri had to go nightly shopping, however the smell of decayed bodies filled her nose as she nearly gagged.

"What is...what is that smell?" Yuri asked as she plugged her nose and kept walking.

The more Yuri walked the more the smell bot worse and having to plug her nose from the smell didn't help much as a trail of blood could be seen, the curiosity got to the best of the Doki as she followed the trail wondering where it would take her.

There was movement in an abandoned run down building as it looked creepy, the windows were blocked off by wood planks or plants. Yuri noticed the trail of blood stop by the front entrance as she hadn't heard the movement, however whatever was inside stalked the school girl.

Yuri reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone as she turned the flash light on, shining it around for a moment. "H-Hello?"

Laughter could be heard as it echoed through the empty building, Yuri hesitated as she slowly walked in. She thought the laughter might have been the wind blowing as she slowly crept inside looking around more with her phone's light, she slowly pulled her knife out of her pocket and held it tightly.

The more Yuri went inside, the more she noticed cracks in the floor and walls. She saw different things that would terrify anyone, the sound of water dripping could be heard from the room next to her as she was about to open it. The door slammed shut startling her. "Ahh!"

"Hehehe....ara ara, it looks like I found a new prey." A female voice echoed through the building.

Yuri gulped nervously, she scanned around a bit as she walked into a room that had the source of the decaying smell. Yuri covered her eyes and shrieked as she saw a pile of dead corpses piled on top of each other, she quickly rushed out of the room and fell to her knees vomiting from the sheer smell and sight.

"Is something wrong?" The voice called out. "Surely you've seen worse, or is it that you thought this place was abandoned?"

Yuri slowly stood up as she looked around. "W-Who are you?"

There was no sound but a body dropped from the ceiling above Yuri as it fell smack down in front of her, this body was something or someone she hadn't seen before. Feeling sick to her stomach again Yuri forced swallowed her vomit which was a bad idea. "Yuck...bad choice."

Suddenly each door that was open half way slammed shut including the entrance, the door was locked which left Yuri locked inside despite how sharp her knife is to cut through the branches surrounding the windows.

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