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With Rika and Hanyu going to a new world that was the same as the old one they were at, there was no chaos going on at the time being for the new world. Which was great for them, but Ruby felt a little red in the face as she looked at Rena every now and then.

Maria tugged at Ruby's cape for a while trying to get her attention. "UUU...Ruby pay attention to me."

Ruby placed down a book she had and looked at her. "Yes I see you now Maria, what is it?"

Maria smiled as she pointed out the window. "Rainbow, see it Ruby?"

Ruby nodded her head. "I do."

Rena skipped through the front doors of the inn as joyfully as always. She held a few bags of groceries as she approached the front desk. "HAUUUU~! I see you two are getting along."

Ruby looked at Rena and quickly looked away blushing. "E-Ehehehe, y-yeah.."

Maria puffed her cheeks as she pouted. "UUU....Ruby is embarrassed."

Rena sat her bags down and pulled the two int a large embrace. "Hauuu~ Look at you two, I just wanna take you two home!"

Ruby blushed harder as her face was red as her cape. "R-Really? W-Why?"

Maria giggled a little as she wiggled her way out of Rena's grasp. "UUU! I'll leave you two alone for now."

Rena gasped pulling away from Ruby and hurried after her little sister. She caught her in not time. Rena picked her up and put her over her shoulders. "Sooooo, what's up?"

"U-Uh, n-not much." Ruby said blushing more.

Maria kicked and wiggled trying to get free from her big sister. "Ruby needs to tell you something important."

Ruby gulped as Maria said that to her, as she started getting frigidity and twiddling her thumbs around. "Ehehehe...."

Rena slowly sat Maria down, she knew it had to be something serious, from the way Maria spoke.

Rena then walked over to Ruby. "Alright, what is it Ruby?"

Ruby twiddled her thumbs still. "I...I uh..."

Shion poked her head out from the library giving her a thumbs up. "You can do it."

Ruby looked at Rena and stopped twiddling her thumbs and cleared her throat. "Rena Ryuugu....I love you, and I want to help you, and be with you. You've done so much for all of us Rena, I think it's time you got a partner who can help you out. And cheer you up as well."

Shion smiled as she looked over at Rena to see her reaction, Maria did the same as well wondering what would happen.

Rena placed her hand on her mouth in wasn't long till Rena began to shed tears. She pulled Ruby into a caring embrace before out right sobbing. "I...I love y-you too....!"


-Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Rena tackling Chibi Ruby-

Maria was happy from hearing what she heard, Shion was sitting next to Rena and Ruby after coming out of the library as she rubbed their backs.

"You two will be just fine...but don't try to go over board okay?" Shion asked.

Ruby nodded her head as she cried a little as well, she wiped her tears as she smiled happily. "Ice cream and sweets are on the house!"

"UUU!" Maria said with a smile.

Rika poked her head from the stair way as Hanyu sat next to her. "Look Hanyu, in this world. Ruby confesses her love for Rena."

Hanyu nods. "Yes, in the old world, they never did. That's what makes this one so pure of joy and happiness."

Rika smiled as she stood up. "Come Hanyu, I feel that our mission here isn't done just yet."

Hanyu looked at her as she tilts her head. "What do you mean Rika?"

Rika started walking as she looked back at her. "Ruby did say ice cream and sweets are on the house silly."

Hanyu smiled. "Oh right, YAY!"

The two headed down to the lobby as Mion and Keiichi noticed what was going on, but were behind on what was said. Yang was sitting in the dining room helping Shion fix some ice cream bowls and slices of cake for everyone, Maria tugged on Mion's jacket sleeve. "UUU, Mion I can tell you what happened."

Mion looked at her as she knelt down. "Go on."

Maria whispered into her ear. "Ruby and Rena are in love, Ruby confessed to her."

Mion's face lit up as she smiled, she stood up and started shaking Keiichi. "Ahh! They did it!"

"D-Did what?" Keiichi asked being shaken still by his girlfriend.

"Ruby confessed to Rena." Mion said.

Keiichi chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. "Ahahah, ah right.."

There was a knock at the inn door as Ruby and Yang's teammates walked in as they were confused on what happened. Ruby let go of Rena as she ran over to the two girls hugging them tightly. "Blake, Weiss you're here!"

"R-Ruby." Weiss said. "Too tight."

"Oops sorry." Ruby said with a giggle. "I'm glad you two could make it."

"Despite the directions." Blake said. "What happened?"

"Ruby is in love." Yang said handing the two a plate of ice cream and cake.

"Seriously?" Weiss asked. "With who?"

Ruby pointed to the front desk as she was pointing to Rena who was hiding her blush with her hat. "Her, Rena Ryuugu, I'm going to be the one taking her home with me instead~ ehehehe."

"....Wait what?" Weiss asked. "Uh...Yang is that...?"

Yang wasn't paying attention as she had her arms wrapped around Shion and boops her nose putting chocolate frosting on it. Weiss was speechless at this, she didn't know what to say or do. Blake sighed as she looked at her former team leader.

"So, where's our rooms?" Blake asked.

"What right now?"  Ruby asked. "Enjoy the cake and ice cream first Blake."

Maria came running over to Ruby and hugs her leg. "UUU! I'm happy you can be part of the family now Ruby! You can babysit me too."

Ruby giggled and patted Maria's head. "Is that what Rena said? Then I can make sure you don't  get out of hand then Maria."

Rena looked over seeing Ruby pat Maria's head and smile, she made the right pick on who to trust. Maria looked over to Rena and waved as Ruby picked her up, Weiss just sighed not understanding what was going on. But she sat down and ate what she had, Rika and Hanyu took some plates up to Satoko and the others while Sayori dashed out of the club room and got some for herself and the other club members.

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