Immortal Sugimoto

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Ruby fell ill and went into a coma, Roman Torchwick had also appeared as well. However Takano was able to take care of him, though Irie had mentioned someone who would be able to buy them sometime if Clockwork was to ever target the inn.

A man in a old fashioned style war uniform and scars on his face, stood outside the inn as it had been several days after Ruby fell into her coma. The man walked inside with his gun holstered over his shoulder, the gun he had was a Arisaka Type 30. A very old gun, but it still worked neither the less.

Irie was in the lobby as he saw the man walk in. "Ah, made it."

Sugimoto looked over at the doctor as he tipped his hat a bit. "Yeah, I got your message there's someone else who's immortal besides me huh? Well...that'll be interesting."

"Yes, that's right....I already have a room set for you to stay at." Irie said.

Sugimoto looked at him as he then looked around the inn. "Too think I've lived through everything, seeing the world come what it is when does this doppelganger show up?"

"No idea, we haven't gotten any other news on her where about." Irie said.

Sugimoto went to the room Irie had set for him, he unpacked what he had as he placed is type 30 down by the bed. 

Yuri and the rest of the literature club was in the dining room as Monika looked at the three girls. "Seems like we should probably help, what do you think?"

"I don't want to die again." Yuri said looking down as she had recalled what happened.

Natsuki crossed her arms as she glared at Monika. "And how do you expect us to even find Ruby's doppelganger, if she finds us first we're toast."

Monika was about to say something but didn't, she scratched her head  as she was lost for words. "Huh....I don't know."


Dawn had came as Sugimoto was sleeping, the sound of loud thumping from the door startled him as he grabbed his gun. "Who's there?!"

"Sugimoto, come quick....we found her." Irie said.

Sugimoto jumped out of bed and geared up as he had a sly smirk on his face, he made sure his type 30 was loaded and made sure he had the sword as well. Once he walked out of the room, he followed Irie into the lobby.

"So where was she seen?" Sugimoto asked as he looked at the doctor.

Irie pulled a map out from under the front desk, which kinda surprised half the people in the room. Even Rena was surprised, she hadn't know there was something like that hidden under the desk.

Irie looked at the map and pointed towards the mall location. "Here, Astolfo and Yang went out to buy some stuff. However, this is the only thing we've gotten back from the two after Yang had told us."

Weiss looked at everyone as she played the voice message for everyone to hear.  Sure enough a voice played through the message but it wasn't Astolfo's or Yang's, Yuri and Rena recognized the voice.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen....I am Clockwork Ruby, your Ruby's clone....half sister of Ruby and Yang." Clockwork's voice came through the message. "I have both Astolfo and my daer sister Yang hostage...if you wish to see them again, bring me Ruby's silver eyes and I might let them go unharmed..if you fail to meet the requirements, I'll kill you all."

Sugimoto gripped the strap of his type 30 as he scoffed. "Tch...I'm not going to let anyone die on my watch, who the hell does she think she'll be dealing with? I'm the immortal Sugimoto!"

"Wait...." Revy said as she was walking towards him, she had a new arm in place of the one Neo had cut off. She was back to normal for the most part, but she still looked a bit beat up. "When you take that bitch down, tell her I said fuck you."

Sugimoto glanced at her and smirked. "Sounds like you've got beef with her, alright...I'll do it." Sugimoto then walked out of the inn as he started to make his way to the mall.

Rika watched Sugimoto leave as she looked over to Hanyuu. "Hanyuu, follow him...make sure he doesn't see you though, same goes for Clockwork...once you find Astolfo and Yang. Get them out of there, understand?"

Hanyuu nods her head. "I understand Rika."


Hanyuu had followed Sugimoto to the mall, however she was invisible to the naked eye, for both him and Clockwork. She watched as Sugimoto had entered the mall, despite Clockwork's message on the silver eyes. Sugimoto wasn't going to deal with the any crap from her.

Hanyuu froze as she felt the environment of the mall, the dark energy emitting from Clockwork slammed down on Hanyuu. Sugimoto looked around as he saw bot Astolfo and Yang tied up to poles, Clockwork slowly clapped as she emerged from the dark of one of the stores.

"I see, they didn't listen...shame, I guess I'll have to kill you first solider boy." Clockwork said as she hadn't noticed Hanyuu.

"'re the big bad I've been hearing about." Sugimoto said as he glared at Clockwork. "I gotta say...I haven't had a decent fight in ages...maybe you'll give me the run for my money, who knows." He then went to grab his type 30 as he aimed it at her. "However...I'm full of surprises."

Clockwork smirked as she had Black Rose with her, she slowly approached Sugimoto as Hanyuu had now the advantage to save the two hostages. She had very little time though to save them without being noticed.

Both Sugimoto and Clockwork stood there face to face, not paying any attention to the invisible Goddess. This was a good sign for Hanyuu as she quickly went over to untie Astolfo and Yang from the poles, once she had done that. Hanyuu made herself visible for a brief moment to the two.

"Quickly...out the back of the mall." Hanyuu said as she went invisible again.

Yang looked at Astolfo and nods, the two of them soon carefully and silently went to the back of the mall and found the way out.

"I'll have you know, I can't die that easily.." Clockwork said with a devilish grin.

"Oh? Well funny that you say that." Sugimoto said as he had his finger on the trigger. "I'm also the same way....I'm immortal Sugimoto."

Clockwork snickered as she licked her lips. "This is going to be a interesting battle then....Sugimoto."

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