The mysterious man's backstory and past

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While what was going on at the Inn, Rena was sitting with Beatrice in her throne room. Beatrice had the book opened up about the question Rena asked her and it was a long story to be persist. The two looked at it as Rena's eyes read each page.

Way back before Rena and the others were gathered to be what they are today, a man and his brother were living in a village similar to Hinamizawa, the village was turned into a town as the days gone on. The man walked into his house as he saw his brother sitting down reading a book of crime's that had taken place.

The man walked over and grabbed the book from him. "Pappy, you know you shouldn't be reading that you know?"

The boy sighed. "Kanji, I told you not to call me Pappy, it's Papyrus...besides, there's nothing else to do big bro."

Kanji rubbed his head. "Well there is something to do Papyrus, and you know what that something is."

Papyrus sighed. "Cleaning, yeah I get it. But can't we do something different?"

"Because soon or a later, what's left of the village will be turned into part of the town." Kanji said.

Papyrus stood up as he looked at him. "I know." He walked over to the window as he saw a female silhouette staring back at him. "Kanji, you weren't followed back right?"

Kanji shakes his head. "No, why do you ask Pappy?"

Papyrus pointed out the window to the silhouette, but once Kanji went to look she was gone. Kanji cocked an eyebrow up. "I don't see anything out there, are you sure you're not seeing things?"

Papyrus shakes his head. "I saw someone, she was in a black kimono."

Kanji scratched his head a bit. "Maybe it was just someone passing by Pappy, come on. We have to clean up, there's going to a big surprise later as well."

Papyrus nodded slowly as he followed Kanji. While he left from the window the woman stepped out from the shadows with a sly grin on her face. "Ara ara, what a troublesome matter my plan will come into play soon." With that they walked off leaving no trace of who she was behind.


After cleaning up, Kanji and Papyrus headed into town to do some shopping as they stopped to look at what there was to buy with what amount of yen they had, the woman stalked the two silently without being seen. The other civilians didn't think of anything of what she was doing, but kept walking doing their own business. Kanji noticed a black smith shop as he walked over to the man.

"Excuse me sir, is it possible if you could make custom weapons?" Kanji asked?

The man looked at him as he nodded. "I can yes, but it will take a day or so to be finished. Are you okay with that?"

Kanji thinks as he nodded. "Yes." He pulled out a scroll from his pocket revealing a weapon design on it. "I want you to make this if you can?"

The Black smith looked at the design, this was a challenge for the man as he looked at Kanji. "But of course, I can do that for you sir."

Kanji opened his wallet up and was about to pull some yen out to hand it to the black smith. But he stopped him from doing so as he looked at Kanji shaking his head. "This one is on the house, you gave me a challenge of a weapon to make, no one has done that before."

"Wow." Papyrus said.

Kanji put his wallet away as he bowed, he then looked at Papyrus and started walking as he followed behind. The woman soon stopped at the black smith shop, she moved her hair away from her eye as she looked at him. "Tell me, is it ready?"

~𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐼𝓃𝓃~Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora