Chibi Special 1

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The holiday events had came and gone, a few people had gotten drunk after the New Years party. Things how started to change out of the blue, it was odd but for some reason Monika was the blame behind it.

"MONIKA!" Natsuki yelled as a shorter cuter version of Natsuki walked into the club room. "What did you do!"

Monika turned around as she laughed nervously. "Ehehe....I uh....I kinda fried the motherboard on the laptop, which changed everything that you see."

The tsundere growled as she bopped Monika on the back of the head. "BAKA! Thanks to you everyone has been chibified!"

Monika rubbed the back of her head as she had a small sweat drop. "Sorry, but it looks like we're stuck like this until I can get a new laptop...luckily I had everything transferred to the flash drive before it went bleh."

"That's not the point!" Natsuki snapped at the club president. "I refuse to be a chibi!"

"'s not like it's the end of the world." Monika said.

Natsuki growled again and popped her on the head again. "BAKA!"


Ruby woke up as she looked around the room as she noticed things were different, she jumped out of bed and looked in the mirror. "Gahh! Oh's just me, silly me."

Maria woke up as she had crashed the night in Ruby's room, she rubbed her eyes as she stretched. "UU? What's going on?"

Ruby looked at her and smiled. "Morning sleepy head."

Maria cocked her head to the side as she looked at Ruby with a confusing look. "UU....what happened?"

"Hmm, nothing that I know of why?" Ruby asked.

"FIX YOUR MISTAKE!" Natsuki yelled loudly as she had woken everyone up.

"Well sounds like someone woke up on the wrong side of bed." Ruby said. "Come on Maria, lets go see what's going on."

Maria smiled and nodded as she skipped over to Ruby as she held her hand, the moment her and Ruby left the room. Rena stood there waving at the two with a huge smile on her face.

"HAUUU~! You both look even cute as well!" Rena said wiggling around.

"Are we not the only ones who've changed?" Maria asked.

Rena stopped as she looked at her little sister. "Monika accidentally fried the motherboard in her laptop, which caused everything to change. And here we are now, we're all cutie chibi versions of ourselves! HAUUU~!"

Ruby giggled. "So that's why Natsuki was yelling, well now we know."

Maria nodded her head and smiled. "Can we get some food?"

Rena nodded. "Yeah, I was coming to see if you two were up anyway..Keiichi has some food made already."

"Yay!" Maria said as she ran down stairs to the dining room.

Rena looked at Ruby and smiled. "So, was she on her best behavior?"

Ruby would nod. "Yeah she was, I had read Maria a book and before I knew it she was out like a light."

Rena giggled. "That's so like her, come on before Sayori eats it all."

Ruby would nod as her and Rena went down the lobby of the inn, once the two had made it to the lobby they went to the dining room where everyone was at.

"Ah, there you two are." Yang said. "What kept ya? Too busy hugging?"

"No." Ruby said. "Just talking that's all."

Yang had a sly smirk on her face. "Riiight."


After everyone had their breakfast, Ruby was seen sitting on the counter pouring a whole jar of chocolate chips into her mouth as her foot twitched.

"Ruby, what are you doing?" Mion asked.

Ruby stopped as she looked at Mion. "Nothing." She jumped off the counter as she placed the empty jar down. "So what's up?"

Mion cocked an eyebrow but shrugs. "Nothing, oh that reminds got a letter from someone."

Ruby tilts her head as she took the letter and opened it up, her eyes scanned the paper as she smiled widely and dashed off to find Yang.  "YANG!"

Yang was by the tree as she was punching it, she heard Ruby call her name as the moment she turned around. Ruby tackled her before she could have a chance to say anything, Ruby and Yang got up off the ground as Ruby was dancing with excitement. "Yang, look..look it's a letter."

Yang looked at her and folder her arms. "Yeah...I can see that."

"Not just any letter. It's from uncle Qrow!" Ruby said shoving the paper in Yang's face.

Yang took the paper as she reads it. "Whoa...wait, he's coming here? Like today?"

Ruby nodded. "Yes!"

"Oh boy." Yang said face palming before she looked at her. "We need to make sure things are in cleaned up."

Ruby giggled. "Hehe, no need to worry about that Yang. Rika had everything cleaned up before Mion gave me the letter."

Yang tilts her head but smiled. " if we only knew how he was coming."

A crow flew over head as it smacked into the door before poofing back Qrow. "Ow, I need to watch where I'm going."

"Unlce Qrow!" Ruby and Yang yelled as the two ran over to him.

Qrow turned around to see the two girls as he smiled. "Ah there you two are, just who I was looking for actually."

"How come?" Yang asked.

"Long story short, the dust shop owner caught me at a bad time. And thought I was stealing from him, but I tried to explain to him that it wasn't me." Qrow said.

"Junior detectives time!" Ruby shouted.

"Yeah that." Qrow said cleaning his ear out.

Sayori, Maria and Satoko soon showed up behind Ruby as they were wearing fake mustaches and badges. "Junior detective squad at your service, what seems to be the trouble commissioner?"

"Commissioner?" Yang asked as she saw Ruby dawn a trench coat and sunglasses as well as a fake mustache. "Oh boy."

Ruby smirked. "The crime suspect who isn't the one who committed the crime needs our help, he said that the dust shop owner thinks he was stealing. And it's our job to find out who the real thief is."

"That's why we're the best at solving cases like these." Satoko said with a sly smirk. "There's no trap I can't set for a criminal that has failed."

Qrow looked at Yang with a confused look. "Did I...did I miss something?"

Yang shakes her head. "No, this is normal."

Qrow face palmed as he shrugs. "Oh well, take care of that for me will ya?"

"Already on it." Sayori said. "Just watch out where yo-"

Qrow stepped onto a rope as it brought him up by the foot hanging him upside down. "Okay...what's the wise guy?"

"See, told traps never fail." Satoko said.

"Grrr, get me down from here!" Qrow yelled.

Ruby, Satoko, Sayori and Maria were soon gone. Yang helped Qrow down as they both looked at each other and then sighed. "We're doomed...."

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