Triple Six

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Yuri went missing  the following night, as Forgotten had told Rena about it. However Yuri was tied up with something that she couldn't get away from let alone from Rena's help. The new threat that was born into the world known as Clockwork had gave Rena a half broken rib cage, and stabbed Yuri in the abdomen. The condition Rena was not critical, however she was now needed to be hospitalized until further notice.

Ruby looked at Rena for a moment as she sat in the chair next to the bed. "Rena...we will find who did this and make them pay."

Rena glanced over to Ruby as she began moving her hand in a writing motion, Maria was there with them luckily as she placed a notebook under Rena's hand and a pen in her hand. Rena began writing something down as Takano had walked in shortly after.

Takano took notice of what Rena was doing as she watched her writing some sort of message. "Ara ara, what's this? Are you writing a message Rena?"

Rena glanced over at Takano as she lightly nodded, she then finished writing as Takano picked up the notebook. Takano scanned it for a moment or so before she looked over at Ruby and Maria. "I see, so that's what's going on."

Both Ruby and Maria looking at her confused before looking at each other. "What?"

Takano crumbled up the paper after she tore it out of the notebook. "Let's just say...the person or persons who did it, is after you Ruby."

Ruby looked at her and then at Rena. "So...what about Yuri?"

Takano sighed as she tossed the paper into the trash. "She's dead, the person who attacked Rena, killed Yuri."

Ruby's eyes widen as she looked a little pale. "W-What? But can't Monika just make a new copy of Yuri since she has all these weird powers?"

"Yes, but at the moment she is dealing with something more important." Takano said as she was then pushing both Ruby and Maria out of the room. "Go on now, I need to do more stuff on Rena."

"But we want to stay." Maria said as she pouted.

"Come back later, you'll just be in the way." Takano said as she closed the door soon after.


After being pushed out of the room, Revy was standing against the wall by the room as she looked at the two, she scoffed as she had her arms crossed.

"Tch, so she's dead." Revy said as she looked over at Ruby. "And this persons out to get you, I'll find them myself, you bet your ass I will." She then pulled out one of her pistols and began loading it with bullets.

Ruby looked at her and then over at Maria. "Go on Maria, see if you can find a way to call Beatrice."

"UUU! Beatrice might help us, that's a good idea Ruby." Maria said as she ran off leaving Ruby and Revy behind.

Revy finished as she placed the gun back into the holster, she began to walk away as she flicked her cigarette out the window. "First new threat we've had in ages, damn this is going to be a pain in my ass. Did Rena say where it happened?"

Ruby shakes her head. "No, Takano threw the paper away before I could ask."

Revy scoffed again. "That little, know what. I'm going to go out and find this killer myself, with or without help."

"Hold it." Forgotten spoke up as his voice echoed around both Revy and Ruby, he then appeared behind them. "....I am the only one who can deal with her, I've dealt with her once before...."

Revy turned around as she saw the God of Death. "You're either bullshitting me or you're telling the truth." Revy didn't seem to jump out of her skin upon seeing the Death God. "So what's your story with this threat?"

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