The Rider of Black Astolfo

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Dealing with the new threat alone for the most part, Forgotten had slayed the girl but knew she wasn't dead. He did have a bit of help from Revy, now he was on his way back to the inn with a injured Neo in hand as he had some ideas for the mute.

[Note - Before I proceed with the story..this story will be seen from Astolfo's point of view.]

Ruby was up and about as she was taking care of the inn while Rena was recovering, she noticed Forgotten walk in and leave after a moment. However she did notice Neo on the couch in the lobby, Forgotten had came back soon after with Revy as he placed her down.

"Revy lost a good mount of blood, so didn't the girl....don't get the wrong idea...I'm not helping you out of kindness." Forgotten said before he left once more.

Ruby snapped her fingers as Takano was already in the lobby as she saw the two. "Ara ara, looks like more injuries to take care of." She glanced over at Neo and then at Ruby. "Who is that?"

Ruby looked at Takano and then at Neo. "Neo, someone we don't like...but why did Forgotten bring her here?"

Takano shrugs as she went to take both her and Revy to the medical room, Ruby sighed as she went to do some paperwork. She then heard the door open again as she looked up to see someone walk in, she cocked an eyebrow up wondering who it was.


-Astolfo POV-

I was a servant, however unlike most servants who had masters and mistresses. I didn't have either, I was summoned into the world with no master in sight. However I found it, They Ryuugu Inn...though I wondered why I was summoned into the world without a master or mistress but I shrugged it off and walked into the inn's front doors.

I looked around a little bit as I noticed a girl at the desk. "Hello there." I smiled and skipped my way over to her. "My name is this may sound weird...but I was randomly summoned here, but I haven't seen my master or mistress around."

Ruby tilts her head to the side as she looked at me with a confused look. "Oh well...I don't know nothing about that, but I'm Ruby Rose." I watched Ruby extend her arm out to me. "Go on I don't bite."

I hesitated at first but shook her hand as I smiled. "Nice to meet you um, can you tell me what goes on around here?"

Ruby looked into my eyes for a moment as she smiled back. "Sure, I don't mind at all Astolfo..have a seat."

I looked around for a moment before seeing a chair nearby, I walked over to get the chair and bring it back to the desk. I took and sat down as I looked at Ruby waiting to see what she can tell me about the inn and.

Ruby moved away from the computer as she locked eyes with me once more as if she had all focus on me. "Alright, lets begin things, the inn's owner Rena Ryuugu is currently out of commission, our nurse Miyo Takano is doing all she can to make sure she's back on her feet...this inn was on the verge of being bought by a gambling group, but we managed to pull through and keep it."

I nodded my head listening to her speak about everything. "Interesting.."

"Yes, however there's a lot of fun things to do around here..last year we had a wonderful Christmas party and a strange experience with Chibification, but that's all fixed for now...over towards the back is the Literature Club, the club members are Monika, Natsuki and Sayori...however Yuri who is another member....she's..." Ruby said as she looked down at the floor.

I looked at her as I cupped her hands in mine. "It's don't have to say anymore Ruby." I smiled brightly as I soon let her hands go. "I think I get the picture now."

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