WAR part 6

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Confronting the heroes, Aizen and Goku Black had them in their grasp. However, Forgotten had opened a pathway for Rena to use to save Ruby, now all there was for them to do was take the two villains out and wait for Rena and Ruby to come back.

"That little, she got away." Aizen said. "No matter, we have them where we want them at."

Black smirked as he instantly went Rosé. "Behold, the beauty and power of a true God!"

"You're no God....I can easily kill you here and now Black." Forgotten said.

"Well now, then why not you try it?" Black asked as he taunted Forgotten.

Forgotten smirked as he jumped towards him. "I'll take care of this bastard...you all take care of Aizen...it'll take more than one of you to face him."

Aizen watched Black fly off as Forgotten had followed him, he then drew his attention back to the others inside the inn and grins. "Now that we're alone...why don't you all come at me?"


Godzilla stomped his way through horde of Grimm, as they were all trying to attack the Kaiju, The Leviathan and the Wyvern were still holding their own against the King of the monsters. Until a blue atomic blast came firing out of Godzilla's mouth at them both.

Both the titan Grimm's roared in pain as they were being burned by the King's atomic fire, the smaller Grimm were running away as they noticed some people nearby.

"Whoa, those are huge." Kaneki said as he was already in Ghoul mode. "And you're sure this is the right place?"

"I'm certain of it." Natsu said as he pointed to the top of the inn. "See, told ya...but as for these creatures...we need to deal with them first."

"Good idea." Kaneki said.

The Grimm started running towards the two, before Natsu smirked widely. "Fire Dragon's Roar!" A massive stream of fire came shooting out from Natsu's mouth towards the horde burning the Grimm to a crisp, while Kaneki was dealing with what remained of them.

Godzilla on the other hand had taken care of the two titan Grimm as the Leviathan and the Wyvern had died, though the battle with the Grimm was over. Something didn't set right, something bad was going to happen but what?

Suddenly more Grimm started to show up, it seemed that Salem was at work making her army of Grimm once again. This time a serpent Grimm came slithering out of the ocean and wrapped it's self around Godzilla. Natsu and Kaneki looked around and saw more of them coming, they stood their grounds until other heroes showed up.

"Looks like I'm in time." Ryuko said with a smirk. "Man, and I thought the Grimm in my area was a pain...they just keep getting creeper and creeper."

"You said it.." Bakugo said. "Time to blow these creeps to bits."


Elsewhere, Forgotten was beating Black to a pulp since the so called God thought he could beat The God of Death, however. Black did get the advantage of sending him flying to the ground, he dusted himself off and scoffed.

"You dare touch a God? I'll make sure you pay for that." Black said as he charged up his Kamehameha. "This is your end!" He then threw his hands forward and fired it. "HA!"

Forgotten looked up at the incoming attack as he pulled out his scythe and cut right through the blast. "Give up...you can't beat me....I've killed more people then you can imagine..."

"Fool, I'm a true God, you can never outmatch me!" Black yelled as he flew at Forgotten with a pink energy blade. "Take this!" He then caught Forgotten in his attack. "Taste my blade!" Black began kicking Forgotten around and fired small shards of blades at him until they blew up on the God of Death. "Hmph."

The smoke cleared as Forgotten grins. "Bad choice....now you've made me mad!" The sky went dark as blood started to rain from the sky, Forgotten had played his trap card now. He glared at Black with red glowing eyes and a bloody smile on his face. "Your death is at hand..."

"Tch, don't get so cocky! You haven't won yet." Black said. "Am I right Zamasu?"

Forgotten looked over to the other side and saw Zamasu. "So....you're here as well...go ahead, do your little fusion...it'll make my job a lot easier."

"Well now, that will save me the trouble of explaining." Zamasu said as he took one earring off as Black did the same.

Both of them soon ended up fusing together into one being, Merged Zamasu. Zamasu grinned as he held his arms out. "Behold...the true power of an immortal God! Now what will you do....Forgotten?"


"Damn it all, this Aizen guy is tough." Esdeath said as she was sent flying into the wall. "Akame...as much as I hate your guts, we really need to work together to take this guy down."

"I hear you...once this is over though, I'm going to make sure you die by my hands." Akame said.

"Fair enough." Esdeath said.

"When will you learn? You can't beat me...I am going to rule this planet and every last human left will be enslaved." Aizen said.

Weiss, Jaune and the others tried to attack Aizen. Only to get hit by him which sent them crashing to the ground, Aizen smirked as he knew that not a single one of them was a match to take him down. Or so he thought.

Esdeath used her ability to freeze Aizen, which he was slowly starting to turn into ice. This was something no one could escape from, not even him.

"Impossible...what's the-" Aizen was soon cut off as he was nothing but a block of ice that was ready to break.

Esdeath walked over to Aizen and simply tapped the ice, which caused it to shatter into pieces. This seemed too easy of a battle. And that it was there clearly was something strange going on, but even they didn't know what that was.

Mion, Shion, Keiichi, Rika and Satoko knew something was going to happen to Rena. They always had bad feelings when it came to one of them, but this feeling as like Doomsday bad.

The sound of lightning striking down startled Maria as everyone went to the window to see Forgotten facing Zamasu, battle of the Gods more like it. However, it seemed the immortality Zamasu had claimed to have was true, but also false. Since Black was also Zamasu, he didn't wish for immortality, so in short Merged Zamasu was now corrupted.

"You're immortality is your  down fall and your weakness...you're no God...you're just a wannabe God who thinks immortality is all that." Forgotten said as he gripped his hands around Zamasu's neck. "But you are interesting to fight....however, you can't escape death."

"This can't be...I am IMMORTAL!" Zamasu yelled as he threw a punch at Forgotten but found his arm was soon sliced off. "Impossible!"

Forgotten was silent as he threw Zamasu down to the ground and went down towards him for the final kill. "DIE!"

Forgotten had slashed his scythe through Zamasu as he was soon split in two, which ended up killing him. However, the job wasn't done just yet, Forgotten had obliterated Zamasu and what was left of his remains. 

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