Vol 2 - Ruby Rose The Time Lord

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In the last chapter, Sugimoto fought against Clockwork. However Alucard had also showed up, after Clockwork was killed by Alucard, a fresh new clone was sent out only to bring the immortal Sugimoto to Salem's palace. Where he was soon injected with Grimm mutation that Dr. Merlot had used as an experiment on the Grimm, however. Ruby was still in her coma...but something strange was going to happen with the huntress..

Not getting any word from Sugimoto or his where about, Connor the android had left the Ryuugu inn to search for any clues on where he had disappeared to, Rena was in the medical room still with Takano. Since Neo was still unconscious, same could be said for Ruby...Takano decided to step out of the room shortly after checking the mute girl.

Forgotten appeared in the room after Takano left, he looked looked at Rena before glancing over at Neo. "Hm....she's out still."

Rena looked at the God of Death as she looked at Neo's bed. "Takano was putting something around her neck last night. Couldn't make out what it was through, as for Ruby....I wish she'd wake up soon. I don't want her to end up leaving this world..."

Forgotten was silent as he noticed something going on with Ruby, he walked over to get a closer look at what was going on. "....Rena, step back...."

Rena was confused at what he meant, she then noticed Ruby's body glowing a yellowish gold color as she was speechless. She did however step back away from the bed as she wondered what the glow was, surely it couldn't be what was said about the silver eyes.

Ruby's body glowed more and more, as it lingering of her body, both Rena and the God of Death weren't too sure what was going on to be exact. However Ruby was still in her coma as she was unaware of this going on, what could be happening to the huntress? Not a single person knew what.

Then there was a sound...a sound that would make anyone wonder where it was coming from or what it was. It was like someone was playing the drums, each four thumps grew louder and louder. Rena's eyes widen as if she heard something similar to that, she looked around the room before finding a stethoscope.

Forgotten looked at her as he noticed Rena had a stethoscope on. "....."

Rena didn't say anything as she placed the stethoscope onto Neo's chest where her heart was, she heard it the thumping of one heart, she took the stethoscope piece off of Neo as she then slowly but surely got close to Ruby and placed it onto her. "No way...." She heard more then heart beat, she heard two the four thumps of two hearts beating. She backed away and placed the stethoscope down as she looked over at Forgotten. "She has two hearts."


Out of the blue, energy that covered Ruby's body got more intense as it shot outward. It was so intense that Rena had to look away and cover her eyes, something was going on and it was a first to have witness.

Ruby's appearance began to change, same was seen with her hair. Forgotten watched as this happened. Rena tried to watch as well, but could barely make it out on what was going on with Ruby. Suddenly, the energy that radiated off of Ruby's body escaped from her mouth as her appearance was different. She was still the same Ruby but looked much, much older then she was before.

Rena stared at Ruby for a moment as she saw how long her hair had gotten, she wasn't sure if she should risk it and cut it down a bit or leave it. Forgotten sensed something from the huntress as he stood there silently, what he felt coming from Ruby was something that Rena couldn't feel.

Ruby twitched as she began breathing, Rena's eyes averted to her breathing as she didn't know to be happy or upset at Ruby for going into her coma. Though she brushed it off as she had tears going down her face. "R-Ruby?"

Ruby gasped as she looked around, it was like someone had startled her from her sleep. "W-What?"

"Ruby....you're....you're" Rena said before she hugged her. "You're okay!" She began sobbing. "I'm so glad...you had us all worried!"

Ruby was taken by surprise but hugged Rena back, she pulled away from the hug and wiped Rena's tears from her face. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean too." She the noticed her log hair in the mirror. "WHAT THE F-"

Rena hushed her in time as she placed her finger on her lips. "You won't believe this, but what I'm about to tell you might shock you."

Ruby blinked and nodded. "Okay."

Rena looked at her for a moment before looking away. "Your body was glowing a yellowish gold color, me and Forgotten saw it...but then we heard the sound of four thumps, I took the opportunity to check where it was coming from." Rena pointed to Ruby's chest as she looked at her once more. "You have two hearts Ruby...."

Ruby blinked again in confusion as she felt her chest as she felt it. "Then what?"

"Then you changed." Forgotten spoke up. "...Your whole appearance and hair changed, but you still look the same."

Ruby sighed as she knew what happened, but she didn't know it would happen so soon let alone be her. "I...I may know what it is."


Ruby began to explain what previously happened when the world was chibified, and how the Tardis needed a pilot to search for the Doctor. She then explained that when the Tardis had left the inn, she found a pocket watch on the floor of the time traveling machine. And when she opened it the energy that radiated off of her was flowing into her body after she opened the watch, after that she told them both how she explained it all to the Doctor once found.

"And pretty much, Doc said that it was a small mistake on my part, and that eventually the Time lord regimentation energy will explode of out my body kind of mutating me into being a Gallifreyan...in short a Time lord." Ruby said as she sat on the bed looking at the two.

Rena had her arms crossed but smiled a bit. "Aw...that doesn't mean I won't stop seeing you for who you are, you know that." She then hugged Ruby again and kissed her forehead. "Right now, there's terrible things happening....a doppelganger of you is going around killing people, she calls herself Clockwork...myself, Revy..Forgotten and one of our newest inn residences Sugimoto tried to stop her, but there's no word on where Sugimoto is..."

Forgotten looked at them. "...I've faced her before in a different timeline, this timeline version of her is weaker...but the one I've faced before was stronger then the one here, her name wasn't Clockwork at the time..." He then proceeded to walk to the other side of the room. "Her name was Scarlet Rose, it won't be long before Clockwork changes her name to that....once she has feasted on the weak, she will grow stronger....only I can kill her...."

Ruby jumped out of the bed. "Rena, bring me Crescent Rose....we're going on a hunt for my clone." This angered Ruby, she clearly had changed after the regeneration had kicked in. She looked at the God of Death as she walked towards him. "You will tell me everything you know about this other timeline, and you will tell me everything you know about Scarlet Rose and how she is connected to Clockwork."

Forgotten smirked as he saw the anger and rage in Ruby's eyes. "...The Time lord Victorious....very well Ruby, I will tell you....everything."

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