The butterfly effect

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The following day, Shion had woken up as she had a little kink in her neck, from the position she was sleeping in the van.

"Ahh geez that hurts." Shion said moving her neck around and rubbing it. "Hey Mion, Keiichi wake up."

Rika and Satoko were already awake as both girls were outside stretching their legs a bit, Keiichi and Mion woke up as well and stretched.

"What time is it?" Mion asked rubbing her eyes as she looked at her twin sister.

"It's seven in the morning." Shion said. "You two can get out to stretch your legs."

Keiichi nods his head a bit. "Yeah sure, but where are we going to go after this? And what about Rena?"

"She's fine Keiichi, she's handling everything at the inn, as for where too next, I don't know." Shion said. "Maybe a hotel or someplace."

Mion got out of the back of the van and stretched again, her stomach rumbled a little. "Man I'm starving, do we have any food?"

"I think so." Satoko said looking through one of the bags and pulls out a bento box. "Well....I guess we all could split this for now."

"I guess so." Keiichi said as he does some stretches as well.

Rika sits in the back of the van as Shion took her phone out and noticed the battery was almost dead, but saw the text from the person she has been talking with. 'I'll be going to the inn in a few days, can't wait to meet you.'

Satoko sat the bento box down in the middle as everyone was sitting in the back of the can, and got what they needed from the box and ate, after a somewhat good breakfast, Shion went back to the drivers seat and drove off for a while.

Mion fell asleep again, as her head was on Keiichi's shoulder, Rika and Satoko were also asleep again, as it was a long hour drive, Shion stops the van as she looks back at Keiichi.

"Mind if you take the wheel? I'm getting a bit sleepy." Shion said as she got into the passenger seat.

"Okay sure." Keiichi said as she gently lays Mion onto the floor, he then got out of the back of the Van and went to the drivers seat and drives off.

Shion fell asleep in the passenger seat as Keiichi was driving the van to get them somewhere for the day, a hotel sign came into view after awhile as Keiichi gets ready to make the stop at the hotel, he then pulls the van up into the parking lot and nudges Shion.

Shion groaned a bit as she looked at him. "Hmm? What is it?"

"I found a hotel, it may not be much, but it should do until things are back to normal at the inn." Keiichi said. "I'll get us a room, unless you want your own room?"

Shion shakes her head. "No, no, just make it one room we all can share."

Keiichi nods as he gets out of the van and goes to pay for a room for all five of them to stay at, the desk clerk gives Keiichi a set of keys as he then walks out and goes to the van.

"Okay, got the keys, can you wake the other's?" Keiichi asked Shion.

Shion nods as she gets out of the van and goes to the back, and opens the doors. "Hey girls, wake up, Keiichi brought us to a hotel we can stay at."

Mion rubs her eyes as she wakes up. "Hmm, I guess that sounds good, we all sharing a room?"

Shion nods as she helps Mion out. "Rika, Satoko, come on you two, we don't have to stay here for a week, just long enough for Rena to contact us on it being safe to get back to the inn."

Rika and Satoko woke up as they got out of the van, Mion grabbed the bags as Shion closed the doors, and the four went over to where Keiichi was at.

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