That Kiss / Moving on

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Monday morning
Joe's Pov
"Hi Joe " Dianne said as I walked through . She hugged me tightly
"Hey Dianne " I said wrapping my arms around her
I Could See The Crew Had Already Got Here And They were all smirking
"Okay Joe, Dianne Let's Do Our First Clip " The producer Said
"Yeah sure" Dianne Said she pulled away from me
After training
We were gathering all of our things no one else was there .
"Joe can we talk about the kiss we've avoided it and we need to talk " Dianne said
"Dianne I'm telling you this can't get out or we're both screwed " I told her

"I know . I don't know what to do about Anthony he won't speak to me" She told me as we walked to my car

"Dianne it's not my place to say anything about your relationship I just don't want this to affect our friendship or our dancing look what's happened to Katya and Sean "I said to her

"I know . Listen no one will find out I promise I will see you tomorrow " she said getting into her car which was next to mine

Dianne's pov
I got a text from Anthony finally when I was sat in my sofa
Anthony: Dianne I'm so sorry
Dianne : I am the one who should be sorry
Anthony: why Di What happened ???
Dianne : I  kissed joe and I'm so sorry it just happened
Anthony was i just trying for our relationship for nothing
Dianne : ...
Anthony: we're done . And I'm done with you dianne
I burst into tears , as my phone pinged ever 5 seconds
I just shoved my phone under my pillow and cried
The next morning
I must have fallen asleep because I was on the sofa
I got ready for the day . I grabbed my phone and charger and my bag and went to my car. I drove to the studio where Joe was waiting . Pacing up and down the car park
When I got out how looked up at me
"Oh my god, Dianne I thought you weren't going to show up " Joe said as he walking over to me
"Yeah sorry something happened I'm fine now though" I told him
"You wanna talk about it " he asked
"Nah it's okay let's get dancing " I said

We walked into the studio

Joe made me smile throughout the day and really cheered me up. We trained so hard until 9;30pm.

"Okay I think thats enough training  for today"I said to Joe As I unplugged my phone

"I think were getting better"He said to me

"Yeah"I said

"Do you want me to clean up or shall I head off"Joe asked

"You go home I'll text you when I get home"I said to him.

"Okay then see you tommorow"Joe siad wrapping his arms around me . A tear trickled down my cheek onto his coat

"Yeah see ya"I said pulling away from him and turing away quickly.

I heard Joe leave and I slumped to the ground. Tears fell down my face. I'm lying to Joe and I hate it . I don't know why though

Joe's Pov

I walk up the corridor . I realised there was something about Dianne that wasn't  right today. I stopped myself and ran back to Dianne . I could here faint sobbing coming from the training room.
I slowly opened to door to see Dianne slumped in the floor with tears pouring down her face . I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her . She cried into my chest
"J..oe " she said through her sobbing and tears
"It's going to be okay I promise" I said as I hugged her tighter
"I hurt him and I hurt you I hurt ...
e v e r y o n e" she said crying harder
"Dianne I don't know what you talking about but it's okay I promise you it's all going to be fine . I'm here for you " I told her
"Dianne let me take you home " I said to her softly
She didn't reply
I grabbed all of her things and my bag. I slowly lifted Dianne up. I put her in her car and I drove her home
At Diannes Apartment
"Dianne I'm going to take you upstairs now " I told her
She'd been quite to whole way home
Dianne took her shoes of . And I Carried her up the stairs
I laid her down gently . Tucking her into the her own bed . I then walked down stairs and sat on the sofa
I could hear Dianne's phone vibrating .
I picked it up to turn it of and I saw Dianne 's boyfriend was messaging her loads.
I can't believe he would do this to her

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