Performing For Her

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Joe's POV

An Hour Before The Show

Joe's Dressing Room

Me and Dianne were sat on my sofa.Dianne was leant against me scrolling through her phone.

"You ready to dance"Dianne said

"More than ready"I told her

"Your nan is going to be so proud of you."Dianne told me

"I hope she loves it"I told her

"I'm already proud of you and she is going to love it"Dianne said with a smile.I can't believe she's still smiling

"You look amazing though"I told her

"You look very handsome yourself Mr Sugg"Dianne said getting up and looking in the mirror

I walked over to her and put my arms around Dianne's waist

"This is going to be good show Suggy"She said

After the show

In Joe's dressing room

I could feel the tears falling down my face.Dianne dabbing my eyes with a tissue

"Your nan was so proud of you Joe"Dianne said tears in her eyes

"Thank you so much Dianne for everything"I told her hugging her.

I felt happiness and I felt proud of what I'd achieved.

"I'm so proud .Three tens is the most tens I've ever got and you got your first tens"Dianne hugged me tightly

"Shall me go see your nan"Dianne asked

We walk intot he audience and I go over to my nan

I hug her.

"Hi Nan .This is Dianne"I told her.

Dianne hugged her

"Thank you for that beautiful performance"My nan said to Dianne

"I'm glad you liked"Dianne told her

"I'm very proud of you Joe"She said

"Thank you nan"I said

"You two go and have a rest.I love you Joe"She said

I hugged her and we then went into the star lounge.We walked in and everyone began cheering for us

"Thank you everyone.Congrats to Ash and Pasha who got the first 40 of the series and heres to Blackpool"I said

I kissed Dianne and we both sat down

I put my around Di.She snuggled into my chest

"Everything hurts"Dianne whispered

"Lets get our stuff from the hotel and get on our train.Nans taking my car back and then going to Wiltshire"I told Di

"Kay then"She said

Me and Dianne got changed and then went to our hotel .

We packed our things and then walked to the train station

We got on our train and made our way back to london

2:30 Am

Joe's House

I unlock the door and me and Di walk into the living room

Byron and His girlfriend were kissing in on the sofa

I'm so tired and so is Dianne

I cough slighlty and then stop and stare at us

"Can you take makeing out somewhere else.One of us are literally about to collapes"I said

"Well done Bro ,Dianne on the dancing it was incredible"Byron said

"Please don't set me off crying again"I said

"Did your nan like it ?"Byron asked

"Yeah she loved it.She was the one setting me and Dianne of crying"I laughed

"Joe I'm tired"Dianne complained putting her bag down

"Alright,alright were going to bed now"I said

"Were going to my room.See ya in the morning"Byron said

"Night bro"I said

"Lets just sleep down here I will not make it upstairs"I said

I took my shirt of and grabbed some shorts

Dianne grabbed her hoddie and then got changed without me looking

I made a bed kind of on my sofa

We layed on the sofa

"Didnt know you we're getting a six pack Joeseph"Dianne said laughing.

"Neither did I"I said with a laugh

"Well done today Joe you were truly amazing 38 is bloody amazing"Dianne told me

"I have the best teacher"I said

"And I have the best student"Dianne said with a smile

Joe and Dianne were amazing tonight.I really wanna get them to the finale and even winning it.I'm so proud of them.they got their first tens and their quickstep was incredible.I don't know why but when they got the tens I like cried.I'm so proud of them.I can't wait to see if they get through to next week.

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