The Trust I lost a Long Time ago

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Joe pov
Dianne and I were sat on my sofa talking just after we filmed our video.

"So how's your love life compared to mine, " Dianne asked me jokingly

"I wish I could say it's was going well but it's really not, " I told her with a smile.

"Yeah I know how you feel, "Dianne said

"I haven't had a girlfriend since 2014. I don't think I've ever trusted anyone the same "I told her

"Joe you don't have to tell me this" Dianne told me

"I never told anyone what happened because I was scared that everyone would blame me for what she did to me "

Dianne was silent

"She was called Brittney she meant everything to me. We were like two peas in pod and never far apart. One day I got into a fight with her and she started getting physical with me I didn't know what to do. Then A guy walked into her apartment. She'd been cheating on me for two years. She was pregnant with his child..."I could feel tears forming in my eyes

Dianne took hold of my hands

"I was so angry. I don't trust people because every girl I've gotten close to has always left, lied or cheated on me" I said. Tears falling down both me and Dianne's faces.

Dianne leaned closer to my face. I leaned closer to her face. I felt her soft lips touch mine. For a second it felt as if time had paused... Until of course, I heard the door open. We both quickly pulled away.

Caspar, Byron and Josh walked in.

"Joe you home " I heard Byron yell.

I and Dianne wiped away our tears away.

"Yeah Dianne's here " I yelled

Caspar walks in with the other two

"Hey Dianne" Caspar said

"Hey, lads how are we," Dianne said with a smile.

"You two practising holding hands for your dance, " Josh said with a smirk

We quickly let go of each other's hands

"Okay cool anyway are we okay to play Fifa here " Byron said.

"Of course you lads can I'm going to head off anyway. It's been a Long day" She said getting up

"Kay I'll walk you out Dianne, " I said getting up from the sofa

"Rember tomorrow was getting the technique down tomorrow so be there bright and early, " She told me.

"Yeah will do, " I said as we walked to the door

"See ya lads" Dianne yelled.

"Bye Dianne ." They yelled

"You okay after that little emotional chat, "I said to her unlocking the door

"Yeah how about you, "She asked

"Yeah considering it's been locked up inside me for 4 years it was nice to just have that emotional release," I told her with a smile.

"Anyway bye Joe. I'll text you when I get home. Goodnight "She said. Tightly embracing me

"Yeah see you tomorrow, " I said
Dianne left
I closed the door and lent against it. I smiled to myself.
I walked into the living room.
"So Joe you and Dianne " Josh said
"Shut up Josh. " I said with a smile.
A couple hours later
I was on my phone the boys were still around mine
I saw a news article.
My heart stopped
'Dianne Buswell and Soap star Anthony Quinland call it quits after Dianne gets close to her dance partner Social Media star Joe Sugg'

Dianne's split from her boyfriend got out
"Fuck." I said aloud
"U okay Joe." Bryon said
"I'm fine but Dianne isn't." I said
I got up and put my shoes on. I then got my keys and coat.
The boys looked confused.
I walked out of the house and to my car.
After driving to Dianne's place
I go to knock on Dianne's door but it just pushed wide open.

I walk in I see Dianne sat on the sofa.
She turns her head and sees me
"Joe how'd get in my house " she asked me getting up
"Dianne the door is unlocked and wide open. " I told her
"Joe I've  seen about the articles and I'm fine" She told me
"Are you sure?" I asked her
"Joe I'm fine I promise .Wanna watch Tv? " she says
"Yeah why not" I said.
Dianne, I think I'm in love with you because your the first girl I've trusted in a long time

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