Rainbow Connection

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Dianne's pov
Me and Joe walked into our third day of training. It was 8am. Me and Joe were joking around laughing. We were practising lifts and laughing.
This week's been so fun. Me and Joe are concentrating but we are having fun as Well. There's no point being at stressed on the last week.
We began practising our yet to be announced dance. Everything seems so much better than the first time we danced them. Joe is picking everything up and he's just being amazing this week.
Joe hugged me tightly. I smiled.
"Well done Joseph " I said with a smile.
"Thank you for being incredible this week. Thank you for being incredible for the past 15 weeks. You've been the best partner I've ever had. Thank you." I said
"I didn't just make a friend for life. I found someone who healed me from the pain I felt from all those years ago. I found you. Dianne you saved me from a place I didn't think I could leave " Joe said.
"You saved me from a man who hurt me in more ways than one. Joe you saved me from a war that I was losing with myself. You made me realise who am I as a person and you taught me how to laugh and feel happiness again. Joe the things you've taught me are things I will never forget." I told Joe.
"I don't know what happened Dianne when you came into my life but I think everyone has realised that you've made my life a better place. Everyone tells me that they've never seen me this happy with anyone other than you. I was in a little bit of a bad place before strictly but you just walked into my life and changed it forever. Thank you " Joe said. I could feel the tears in my eyes.
"Someday we'll find it" I sung
"The rainbow conncetion" Joe said spining me around.
"The lovers the dreamers and me." We both sung together as Joe lifted me
"I'm so lucky that I found you Joseph Sugg " I said as he put me down.
"Don't ever leave me " I said.
"Never in a million dreams would I think about leaving you Dianne Buswell." Joe said
There was some giggles from the corner of the room. I look over to seen Stacy and Kevin fangirling like hell. Kevin had  tears in his eyes.
"What are you two doing in here?" I asked.
"Just thought we'd pop by but then you two were having a little moment so instead of watching you dance we though we'd fangirl in the corner and Kev's crying. " Stacy said
"You a bit emotional Kevin." Joe said.
"Oi you started crying in bloody Blackpool" Kevin said with a sulk
"I had something in my eye." Joe said crossing his arms around
"You two are ridiculous your going to be over it in about 5 minutes.
Kevin runs over to Joe and they Hug
"Stacy save me." I say.
Joe then  pulls away from kevuns hug kisses me.
"See he does love me sometimes." I say.
"I always love you." Joe said picking me up and spining me around.
Me and Joe have a connection I've never had before.

A Rainbow connection

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