They Know About Us

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Joe's Pov
Me and Dianne walk through the studio doors and put our bags down. We begun to practise the Viennese Waltz. The spining is very difficult and I have to learn bits of the waltz again.Frame is okay but technique is still a bit crap.

Yet again Dianne's Phrase of the week is 'Joe what are you doing?"
I don't want to let her down. I mean I feel like she's already dispointed In me. Things are going well but they could be better we've been doing close to 14 hours a day .
"Okay Joe that's enough for today we will pick this up tomorrow." Dianne said.
"Okay"I said with my head in my hands.
"Joe don't look so worried it looks amazing both of them do. Don't stress tomorrow is about perfecting it. " Dianne said hugging me.
"Thanks Di." I said hugging her .
Today has been a very long day I mean we were on This morning and then we had group rehearsal and then finally we had 3pm till 10:30pm.
Friday Camera Block through
Today was going to be a long day. We had two dances to do and they both were not perfect. I've already let Dianne down. Again.
We walk into my dressing room and I sit on a chair.
"Hey don't worry Joe everything's fine. Don't get upset. You only made one mistake. It's fine."Dianne said hugging me.
"You deserve better than this " I said.
"Your the best partner I could have ever asked for " Dianne said
"I'm sorry." I said.
"Hey don't apologies you are amazing " Dianne said kissing my cheek.
At Joe's house.
A news article comes up on my phone.
'Strictly come dancing start Dianne Buswell and Dance partner Joe Sugg Dating rummors confirmed after video leaked.'
I immediately click on the article and I scroll down to the video. It's Joe's party and it's the video of me and Joe making out.
"Shit." I mumble to myself
"What's up Dianne." Joe must have heard me.
I pass him my phone and Joe laughs
"What's so funny" I ask.
"I mean you told me you wanted a break and then we never established what we are. I then I realised. Dianne I don't want to ever hurt you and after next week I won't see you everyday. What are we." Joe said
"Joe I know I'm completely over Anthony and I know that I want you in my life more than anything in the whole world. You taught me so much about who I am as a person and what it feels like to love. Joe I know I want you in my life forever ." I said.
"I want you to be my girlfriend " Joe said
"I would love to" I said
He kissed me and then

The fricken front door openes. U swear the front door always ruins everything. That things going to ruin my wedding.
Me and Joe pull away. I wipe the lipstick from his face.
"Alright you two give in flirting." Byron said .
I snugle up to Joe's chest.
"I feel ill at how cute you two are" Jack says

"Leave them alone Jack they aren't even dating anymore "  Caspar said.
Me and Joe begun cry laughing as the boys stare at us in confusion
After we calm ourselves down.
Joe kisses my head and the boys smile.
"Dianne's pregnant " Joe said.
"OH MY GOD that's amazing " Caspar said hugging us.
"Congrats you two" Byron said.
"Yeah congrats. Have you two seen the video that's trending on Twitter." Jack says.
"Looks like we're trending on Twitter" Joe says
"Great." I says with a smile.
"I already see your child running around and destroying the house " Byron said.
"It will  so happen. We have baby proof literally everything including Joe sugg" I say.
"Hey you have to have the child first " Joe says.
"Yeah which means you going out have to be there when it comes out" I say

"How lovely " Joe says with a smile.
"They're too cute" Josh says with a smile.

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