Forgiven ???

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Dianne's Pov
Dianne tell him,Dianne just tell him.
As we were about to fall asleep.I roll over and Joe's still awake
"Joe can I tell you something."I say.
"Yeah sure what's up."He says rolling over and facing me.
"Please don't be mad.When you went into the bathroom Byron walked in.I think he was drunk but he pinned me against the wall and kissed me.I push him of me and I ran up here."I could see the irritation in Joe's eyes. I felt tears collect in my eyes.
Joe hugged me.
"I'm so sorry Joe"I said crying into his chest.
"Hey don't worry everything's going to be fine I'll sort it out "Joe said kissing my lips.
"Hey go to sleep and we can worry about this tomorrow we are both exhausted " Joe said wrapping his Arms around me.
"Joe are you mad at me."I ask him.
"I could never be angry at you "Joe whispered
Wednesday morning
I wake up to the sound of my alarm.I turn it off and get up. I look over and Joe's gone.
I sigh and get changed.
I walk out of  Joe's room and down the stairs and into the kitchen.
"Morning Buswell."Joe said kissing my head.
"It's  moving day " I said jumping around.
"I've been counting down the hours and the days "Joe said wrapping his Arms around my waist as I made a coffee.
"I have pro rehearsal. And then were on it takes two .The we have rehearsal."I told him drinking my coffee.
"Do you want me to go to your apartment and then get your remaining boxes" Joe asked
"Yeah after you've finished your important stuff."I said with a smile.
Me and Joe walk into the house and Byrons is sat on the sofa.We place the last boxes down and Byron looks over.
"Hey Joe,Dianne I'll be out of your way in a minute "Byron said.
"Bro we need to talk"Joe said.
"Joe I'm taking these boxes upstairs "I said lifting the box and taking upstairs.
Joe's Pov
Dianne goes upstairs .
"Bro why the hell did you kiss my girlfriend"I said
"I have no idea what your talking about "Byron said walking towards his room.
I stopped him.
"Byron my girlfriend was crying last night saying that you kissed her forcefully." I told him.
"Bro I was drunk last night. Me and my girlfriend were fighting.I have a girlfriend why would I kiss Dianne " Byron said.
"Byron don't lie to me, I love that girl so much and I never want to see her go through pain. If  your lying to me and you do remember what happend I'm done with this living situation "I said
"I know I was drunk. I remember Dianne running up the stairs but that's it .Bro I'm really sorry if I hurt Dianne.I never meant it. I have a lot of respect for that girl and A lot of respect for you as well.I would never purposely hurt anyone unless they truly deserved it. Dianne's been through A lot this past couple month's. I'm sorry if I scared her bro I really am." Byron said.I felt it was very genuine
I hugged him
"Aww how adorable.Its almost as cut as us Joseph " I heard my favourite Australian say.
We all laugh. She walks down the stairs and hugs us both.
"I should probably unpack and then sleep"Dianne said with a smile.
"Come on lets all go and then we can get it done faster and then sleep." I said with a smile.
Dianne pulled both if us upstairs and we began to unpack and mess about .
I love that girl. I gave the best friends as well. What a life I'm living.

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