Forever You and Me. I Promise

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Joe's pov
This is me and Dianne's last training session it's 8am and me and Dianne are already rehearsing. Thus week has been great. The though of making Dianne proud is motvating me to win. I've see so many articles acussing us of cheating. I don't care though if me win we win. I'd hope that if I won it would be fairly. Dianne and I have been having so much fun this week as it is our last week. We sat down for a 5 minute break.
Dianne sat beside me and smiled.
"I can't believe it's nearly over." Dianne said.
"It feels like just yesterday when were learning the jive." I said
"I know it does. I'm so proud of us especially considering the fact we made it to the finale. I never been in the fianle . You didn't know how to dance 15 weeks ago and now you know what all these steps and dances are. It's just amazing" Dianne said
After Training
Me, Dianne and Oli and Byron were all sat on the sofa.
"So Suggy who's coming to the show." Dianne asked.
"I know Oli is and Britt, shes one of my best friends from LA." I said.
Dianne smiled.
She had a sense of almost jealousy in her eyes. She didn't think me and Britt were a thing did she. Plus I love Dianne more than anything.
"She's coming London on Friday " Oli said.
"I'll only see her after the show. She's going straight back to LA right." I said.
I was trying to not make Diann3 think anything was going on because it wasn't. Britt did try it on with me once but I don't like her like that and I made that pretty clear. We are good mates.
"I have no idea " Oli said.
"Joe I'm going to head to bed today's been a long day and we have a big two days ahead of us." Dianne said slowly getting up.
"Are you okay Dianne" I said standing up and helping her.
"Joe I'm fine just tired that's all" she said hugging me.
Dianne smiled and walked to the door.
She looked back at me and then grabbed the door frame. I see her face go white and I see her falling to the ground . I run over and catch her. Just missing the floor.
"Dianne are you okay. Dianne." I say.
Oli and Byron rush over to help.
I sit on the floor and put her body close to me.
"I'm fine just a bit dizzy " Dianne replies.
"Byron get her some water." I say
Byron speeds into the kitchen
He comes back with a glass of water and I help Dianne sit up. Dianne slowly sips the water.
I sit Dianne on the sofa. She seems better now.
There's a knock on the door. Byron answers it. Then Britt walks in with Byron behind her
"Britt what are you doing here." I say.
"Hey Joe." She says walking over and hugging me . She then walks over and  hugged Oli.
She spots Dianne and smiled.
"You must be Dianne. I've heard a lot about you." Britt says hugging Dianne.
I smile
"She's my girlfriend " I say.
Britt smiles
"And you said you would never fall in love" Britt says.
Dianne's pov
Joe goes upstairs to show he lads something because Britt wanted to talk to me. Why has Joe never mentioned this girl before.
"Thank you for looking after Joe." Britt said.
"I couldn't not. He saved me " I said
"You changed him for the  better. He seems happier and every time we face time he talk about you and he just smiles. No one has ever has that effect on him . So thank you." She says.
"I'm glad people support our relationship. I don't why Joe's never mentioned you." I said.
"Soemthing happens when I came to Visit last year. It's sorted now but apart from that I don't see why he wouldn't mention me." Britt said
Joe walked into the room and smiled.
He sat beside me.
"It's forever going to be and you. I Promise." He whispered in my ear
I smiled.
Forever me and you Suggy

That's my promise to you

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