This Years Love

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New Years Eve
Dianne's pov
I'm sat in the living room with Danni watching me and Joe's Quickstep
Joe walks in and smiles. He sits beside me and we both watch the video with Danni.
" Mummy one day teach me to do that please " she said handing me back my phone.
"Of course I can" I said with a smile.
"I wanna dance like you and Joey did in Blackpool" Danni said
"Of course" I said  with a smile.
Joe wrapped his arms around me .
Danni sat on Joes knee and we all just smiled
It was one of those moments where  all the pain I'd been through was worth it in the end.
We all sat around for the day and just chilled. Then Zoe and Alfie came round .
We began to chat
"Okay let's play a game." Zoe said
"I love games " Dianne said
"Truth or Dare Dianne" Zoe said
"I hate Games" I said
Everyone began to die with laughter
"I guess Truth" I said with a smile
"When was the first time you gained feelings for my Brother" Zoe asked me
"Can I go home now"I said
Joe began to cry laugh
"Dianne you are home" he said between laughs
We all began to cry laugh
After we calmed down I answered the question
"I don't really know about half way through week 3 of Strictly" I said
"Fair enough Dianne Truth or Dare" Alfie said
"I swear this isn't how you play this game aren't you supposed to spin Pencil . And I guess Truth" Is aid
We all continued to cry laugh
" when did you first Kiss Joe" Alfie asks. Zoe smirks and Joe pouts
"Like week 2 or something " I said
"Dianne Truth or dare" Zoe said
"Okay this is just harassment. What about Joe he's not said anything. I'm being bullied Joe help me" I said with laughter
"Don't look at me. Stop harassing my girlfriend" Joe said wrapping his arm and legs around me
"I guess I'm doing Truth" I said
"Did you move in with Joe for the MONEY" Zoe said with a smile.
"Nah I moved in with him because I love him" I said
"What about the follower" Zoe said with  a smirk
"Nah" I said kissing Joe
"Okay my turn Truth or dare Zoella " Joe said
"Truth" She said
"Have you ever made out with another Youtuber " Joe said
"Alfie Deyes and that's the only one thank you very much" She said
"Okay let's give in with this game now " Alfie said standing up
"Hold on a minute Alfie your not getting away that quickly sit back down and Truth or dare" I said
"Fine and Truth " he said with a smile
"So what do you think of your future brother in law " I said with a smile
"Bloody hell, he's alright " HE SAID WITH A SMILE
"Just alright" joe said
"Yeah" Alfie said.
We all began to laugh
"Hang on Zoe can I give you a Truth " Joe said
"Yeah go on then" She said
"Zoe what do think of your possible future sister in law" Joe said with a smirk
"She's lovely and really turned my brother into a man. " Zoe said
"Why thank you Zoe" I said
"I feel insulted" Joe said with a pouty lip
"Your a very manly 8 year old boy Joesph " Is aid kissing his lips
At the BBC studio
Joes pov
Dianne was in the Audience with Zoe and Alfie as me and Stacy we're presenting tonight's New Year's Eve concert.
Britt was baby sitting Danni with Byron and will and Emily
I see Stacy and give her a big hug.

"Good luck tonight. We're going to do great" Stacy said with confidence
"I hope I don't mess up" I said
"You won't believe me " Stacy said
Dianne said that to me to.
I walk out onto the stage with Stacy and Spot Dianne immediately
I smile and she gives me a small wave
After the show. I go to my dressing room where Dianne is .
She hugs me tightly as I come in the room
"Happy new year my Love" I said
"Happy new year Suggy" she replied
I love this girl so much

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