Joe And Dianne Hit The Road : Strictly Edition Part 3

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Diannes pov
Today was the last show of the Strictly Tour. I was sad but also happy it was ending. There had been a lot of stress but also fun that came out of the tour but it was worth it. Zoe,Alfie and Joes family were coming to watch us today. I felt quite nervous about it actually but I didn't tell Joe in case he began to worry or have a panic attack . Danni was sitting in the audience beside Zoe . Which she was so happy about because she loved Zoe . I took Danni to Zoe and then went backstage to find Joe. He was in his dressing room talking to AJ.
"Hey Aj, how are you. Feels like I haven't seen you in forever "I said 
He hugged me
"I'm good" he replies
Aj leaves and me and Joe sit on the sofa cuddled up
"I love you Dianne"Joe whispers
"I love you too Joe" I whispered back
"Your very sweet Joe" I said
"Thank you Miss Buswell." He said with a charming smile
"I'm sorry to interrupt love birds but it's time you two headed to the stage " I heard Amy say
"Kay thanks Amy" Joe said
Joe stood up.
As I was standing up. I felt a little kick in my stomach
"You Okay Dianne" Joe said with a concerned expression
"Yeah I'm fine I promise" Is aid with a smile
"Okay then Miss Buswell lets do this one last time " Joe said wrapping his arm around my waist
At the after party
We walked into the after party where everyone has having a great time laughing and joking
Joe was talking to Aj and some of the other male pros and I was talking to Amy and Oti.
Joe's mum had taken Danni back to her hotel room. Zoe and Alfie were here somewhere
"So girl how's things with Mr Sugg" Oti said
I laughed a little
"Everything's prefect. He cares about me a lot and he's so sweet" I said
The girls smiled
"So what's with the no alcohol policy Dianne Buswell" Amy said
"Girls don't tell anyone . Like you have to promise" I said
"We swear we won't tell" Oti said with a smile
Amy  nodded
"I'm pregnant" I said
"Oh my god congratulations Dianne"Amy said she hugged me
Oti hugged me and we all smiled
"So does he know" Oti said looking over at Joe
"Yeah he does and he's over the moon" I said with a smile
"Aww im so excited for you two" Amy said hugging me again
Amy and Oti smiled at me
I felt two arms around me
I turn around my see Joe
"Hello Mr Sugg can I help you"I said with a smile
"You can Dance with me" He said
Damm this boy is smooth
"Well I don't see why not" I said
I gave Amy my drink and Joe held out his hand and I took it
We danced on the dance floor for a while
Joe's drunk dancing has definitely improved which is nice to see
When got my drink from Amy and then went to go talk to Zalfie
After an hour long conversation we decided to head back to our bus
We were the only ones there . Joe snuck into the girls room and I laid beside Joe for the night
He placed his arms around my waist and his legs intertwined .he kissed me and we fell asleep
Joes pov
I woke up at the crack of dawn
I slowly climbed out of Dianne's bed and into the boys room. The lads were asleep so I didn't wake them. I grabbed my bag and then went to my mums hotel to go get Danni. I knocked on my mums hotel room door
After a long chat I took Danni back to the bus. I walk back in to see everyone is awake and getting ready.
I see Dianne sitting on the sofa on her phone talking with Oti.
She see's me and Danni and walks over.
"Thank you so much for getting her for me. Your a legend " She said kissing me
"Your welcome Miss Buswell. You go get ready  and then we can get out of here " I said
Dianne smiled and then walked away
We and Danni were playing and then Danni stopped and asked me something I will never forget
"Joey where's my daddy "She said
My heart stopped a little . I could tell her what happened . I don't wanna leave it to Dianne but it isn't my story to tell
"I don't know baby but he loves you very very much" I said . She smiled and I hugged her
Dianne walked over and joined in our hugged
Our little family
Soon there'll be 4

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