Shocked Again

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Diannes pov
Not only have I just broken up from Joe. I now have another problem. I'm pregnant again.
It must have happened in week 10. Which means I'm two weeks pregnant

I've been sitting on the ground since 6am it's now 8:30. I need to wake Joe.
I got into my dance clothes and out my hair into a neat bun. I ran downstairs and made Joe and myself breakfast.
I slowly walked upstairs and walked in.
Joe was later at his side of the bed. I sat on the bed and tapped him.
"Joseph " I whispered.
"Nhhh" I heard him mumble.
"Come on we have training soon." I said
"No it's Sunday " Joe mumbled

He rolled over and onto the floor.
We began to laugh.
I crawl over the bed and peer over to see Joe laughing on the floor.
"Come on we are going to be late otberwise" I said.
Joe began to get ready so I went downstairs and ate my breakfast.
Joe came down shortly after. I don't even know how I'm going to tell him.
After Training
Joe's Pov
I walked into the main bathroom to brush my teeth. I look over by the sink.
It's a weird stick thing.
I look at it again.
Someone took a pregnancy test in my house and it's positive. It could be two people
Byron girlfriend.
Or Dianne.
"Byrrooon " I yell.
He runs in.
"Yo bro what's up." He says standing in the door  way
"Is your girlfriend pregnant " I say.
"What are you talking about. " he says walking over and seeing the test.
"There's no way.she hasn't been round her in a week." Byron says.
"I got Dianne pregnant again." I say.
Byron nodded.
"What if." Byron interrupts me.
"Talk to her" he says walking away.
I sigh and I know it's weird but I picked up the test and went to my bedroom. Where I left Dianne.
She was sat there talking to her mum.
"Okay then see you soon mum I love you bye. Yes I'll say hi to Joe. Yep. Love you mum bye." She says with a smile.
I hid the test behind my back.
How do I tell her I know.
"My mum says hi and she hopes we get to the finale." Dianne said with a smile.
"Dianne your pregnant " I said.
She looked at me with shock.
"Joe. I was going to tell you I promise." She said walking over to me.
"I know. Congratulations " I said with a smile . I hugged her.
"How did you know." Dianne said with a smile.
"I found the test in the bathroom downstairs" I said. Pulling it out of my pocket and handing it to her.
"You are aware I peed on that." She said.
"Very aware Indeed miss Buswell." I said slowly spinning her around.
"What does that make us then" I asked.
"I don't know but just stand exactly where you are" Dianne said.
Dianne then kissed me
After she kissed me she smiled.
"You always do to me so I thought I'd see your reaction." Dianne said.
I kissed her .
Alright you knew I couldn't keep them apart for long . If you haven't seen Charles and Karen on it takes two it was the sweetest thing ever. The minute he said he wanted Joe to win. I began to cry for some reason. We all want Joe to win. Not only because it will be great if he wins but because then he dyes his hair red and we get a great video out of it
Jess xxx

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