They All Know About Us

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Diannes pov
Later that day Joe posted a picture telling people about our relationship. Now that Strictly was over it just felt right. I'm leaving Joe behind in a couple days so I can go to Australia. I'm going to miss him so much but Its a few days. He's so adorable.
We get ready to go to Mikeys party thing.
I walk downstairs . Eveyone is sat on the sofa. Joe was talking to Josh when he sees me and walks over.
He kissed me and smiles. He wraps his arm around my waist and we sit down. He hands me a drink and we all begin to chat. We then get in an uber and are drove this fair style thing
We sit in a log cabin with a karaoke machine. Me and Joe are taking selfies and singing along . Joe was actually quite good at singing. We laughed and had a couple drinks. I was on lemonade and coke considering I was pregnant. I was about three weeks pregnant. After Christmas was my first scan.
We sung and me and Joe danced along. We had a great night.
Me and Joe went home after saying goodbye to Britt and the others.
We got in an uber and I snuggled up to Joe.
We went up to Joe's Bedroom and Joe made us some tea.
We sat on Joe's bed.
"What we doing tomorrow Joespeh." I said with a smile.
"Well I have a few things to do but I'm pretty much doing nothing till after Christmas. I mean we have Christmas and then after that we have strictly tour "Joe said
"Then I'm on tour again" I said
"I'll be there don't worry "Joe said
I smiled
I look on my Instagram to see all the comments on Joe's recent post about our relationship
Joe begin to play his new PlayStation stat he received and I fall asleep beside him
The Next Day
I woke up to see Joe beside me. I smiled. His red hair covered his face. Thus made me smile even more . I saw my phone light up 9:33. I slowly edged my self from under Joe and grabbed my phone. I took a picture of Joe and then went into the bathroom. I looked up at the mirror my hair was messy and there was mascara  all under my eyes. I wiped my makeup of and then  're did it . I brushed my hair and then got changed . I walked downstairs quietly and saw Byron and Emily (Byrons girlfriend )
"Morning Dianne where's Joe ?" Byron asked
"Still asleep he must be knackered he was playing video games last night " I said making a cup of tea
"Nice. When you going to Australia " Byoen and
"On Saturday but my parents don't know I'm coming on Saturday they think I'm coming on Monday "I said
"What about Joe" Emily asked
"I'm coming home on boxing day where I'm going down to Wiltshire to meet more of Joe's family " I explained
"You two are so cute together . I think you broke the internet yesterday" Byron said
I smiled .
I see Joe walking down the stairs. Shirt off. Dianne stop it. He walks into the kitchen and walked over to me. I kiss him and he smiles.
"Its so weird not having to wake up and the rush to the studio. I'm really going to miss it " I said
"Same it's so strange not having to wake up at 6:30" Joe replied putting his arm around my shoulders
Im so happy everyone knows about us . In can finally show the whole world out secret

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