I Have You

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Joe's POV

Day three of street comercial dancing.Things are getting very exhausting.I'm going to Caspars tonight because the lads are off to Milan tonight.Lucky them.But on the bright side I have Dianne to myself.Were on our own as well.

9:30 PM

"Thanks Joe for bringing my home"Dianne said as we reached her flat

"Your welcome listen I've got to get to Caspars but I'll see you at 8am"I said kissing her

"Yeah see ya"She said smiling

Dianne waved goodbye and I drove round to Caspar and Josh's

I knock on the door.

"It's open"I heard Caspar yell

I walk in to see all the lads sat on the sofa.All their bags lined up

I walk over and say hello to everyone and I sit beside Josh

"So Joe how's Dianne"Caspar asks

"She's great"I said

"We haven't seen her much the past couple weeks is she okay"Caspar asked

"Things have been difficult recently but were okay "I said.I didn't want to tell the lads about the pregnancy incase they wouldn't understand.

"Joe your lying to me.I lived with you for 3 years I know you"Caspar said

"Dianne was pregnant...She misscaried the child on Friday"I felt the tears in my eyes

"Bro I'm so sorry.We had no idea"Caspae said hugging me

"Were dealing with it with a counseller and privatly.Dianne's better now.We are pulling ourselves together I mean stricly final is within reach we need to pull everything out the bag or it's over for us"I said wiping away the tears

"Were all here to support you no matter how far away we are"Josh said

"Thanks lads your the best"I said

Back At Joe's Place

I was on my own.I shut the door and slump against the wall.I begin to break down into tears.I walk over and turn on all the light,Close all the curtsin,turn on the tv,I get changed.I sit on the sofa and begin to cry.I felt very overwhelmed.I felt different.I didn't know how to make myself feel happy ,So how could I do that for Dianne.Every emotion hit me at once.I began having a panic attack with out having an idea It was happening.

"Joe"I look over to see Dianne

"Joe ,whats wrong did something happen ?"Dianne runs over and sits beside me.Taking hold of my hands.

"I don't know whats wrong anymore"I said breaking down into more tears.

"Hey,don't cry"Dianne hugs me.

"I feel like I don't have anyone to talk to"I said crying more.

"You have me Joe,You always will"Dianne said holding me closer and closer.

"Joe is this because of me"Dianne asked me.

"No it isn't,Everything just got a but too much"I said hugging Dianne tightly

"I'm staying here with you no matter what"Dianne said

The Next Day


In the training room

Today is a jam packed .We're on It Takes Two tonight,Dianne is at the Dentist and we have a dance to make perfect.

"Okay Joe we need to get as much training in as possible today.I know we have had a few set backs this week .However I still have a lot of confidence in this dance."Dianne told me with a smile

"Thanks Dianne that makes me have a lot more confidence"I said.Dianne plugged her phone into the music player

I sat on the sofa and began looking through mt notes I made for the dance.

20 Minutes later

"Joe how the hell do you work this stupid machine ?"I hear Dianne say

I look up to see Dianne not looking to happy

I walk over and Press a switch and the music begins to play.I begin to laugh as Dianne looks shocked and anoyed

"How did you do that"She said like a child

I wrap my arms aroundnher waist and she wraps her arms around my neck.

"Well Miss Buswell,I walked over to the stupid machine and I pressed a button called the on switch and then you've got music"I said with a smirk.Dianne smiled

"Alright Suggy don't get to cockey.I'm not good with stupid Machines"Dianne said smiling

I kissed her and she smiled

"I'm so glad I metn you Miss Buswell"I said to her

"I'm so glad I have you"Dianne said to me

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