A Bit Of Drama

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Just putting this out there .This Disclaimer will make more sense futher on in the chapter but no shade to Anna Maynard.Think she's great.It's only a story.I add these disclaimers because some people go mental when you 'shade'their fave youtubers.


Diane's PoV

Oh my god we're through to Blackpool
Joe is over the moon.Last night I was taken in by he police for questioning .Today I saw an article The news was broke to the public.Someone caught me and Joe's Kiss in camera and it's everywhere.
Me and Joe sat on his sofa all day and watched the thousands of tweets flood in and the multiple articles come in.
"Ughh life must hate us"Joe said throwing his phone against the sofa
"Hey Joe there is literally nothing you can do about it.We are through to Blackpool and people can say what they want but I'm confident that we are going to pull this off"I told Joe
"Ughh it's Zoe hang on"Joe said picking up the phone
Z:heya I've seen all the tweets and articles is it true
J:Yeah it's is .
Z:Is Dianne with you
J:hasn't left my side since last night
Z:Tell her we hope she's well.what are you going to do about the articles
J:There's nothing I can do.My manger is going to see what she can do but at this stage she can't do anything
Z:I'm sorry Joe
J;It's okay there's nothing you can do now
Z:What about Brittney and Anthony
J:There in police custody
Z:Hopefully next it will be behind bars
J:Yeah I know.Anyway I better go
Z:Yeah see ya Joseph
Call ended
"You okay "I asked
"As long as I'm with you"Joe replies
Joe's POV

Dianne just finished pro rehearsal so we're cracking on with our dance this week. We made it to Blackpool and now more than ever I'm determined to make it the whole way and possible win this thing
Dianne and I were followed the studio by paparazzi this morning but stopped by security .They were asking us loads of question but we just began chatting
Dianne's working me very hard this week .Im doing this for Dianne and my Nan and if the judges don't like it then that's fine but as long as my Nan and Dianne are happy we're all good.

"You okay Joe "Dianne said taking a drink.

"No I didnt have a coffee this morning and I want too collapse on the ground"I said.My head hurt so much

"What are doing you after training"Dianne asked

"Ughh I have to film a video Anna Jack and Conor's sister ,Caspar and Josh"I told Dianne

"Mind If I come round by yours Katie's going to be out of London for a week.And I don't wanna be alone"Dianne said wrapping her arms round my neck

"That and you love me that much you can't stand being away from me for to long"I said with a smirk.Dianne laughed

"I'm making sure you don't get yourself into trouble"Dianne said

"Hey I'm never in trouble"I said kissing Dianne

"Thats because I made you into a changed man"Dianne said with a cheecky smile


Joe's House

Anna,Dianne,Josh and Caspar were all round my house.Byron and Dianne were helping with the camera.We were mainly teaching Dianne how to work a camera

"Okay lets start"I said

"Joe is the mic on"Caspar said

"Yes it is I hope"I said

"I'm calling it now Dianne's going to start laughing durning this video"Josh said looking through his phone.

"Well I need to go get my phone so I'll be back in a minute"Dianne said kissing me and then runing upstairs

I saw Anna scowling at Dianne through the corner of my eye.Did Anna like me?.I pushed the though aside

After Filming

"Bloody hell that was a tiring video"Caspar said

"Were not aloud to talk about being tired"Dianne said laying in the sofa

"Why"Anna said

"Me and Dianne have been up since 7am and jumping around like mental people"I explained

"And Joe didn't get his morning coffee"Dianne added

Anna rolled her eyes at Dianne and this time Dianne,Josh and Caspar noticed

"Sooo Joe hows training this week"Caspar asked

"Good I mean its early days but Miss Buswell says I'm doing well so I'm guessing things are going good"I said.Dianne smiled.

"Hey Anna come help me put these lights and camera away will ya"I said getting up of the sofa

"Um sure"She said putting her phone on the sofa.

Dianne POV

Ughh I'm going to kill someone in a minute.Anna is totally flirting with Joe and is pissing me off.Wait wait...Dianne is someone jealous.No Joe is my boyfriend and if I feel a bit jealous then thats fine

"Anna is totally all over Joe"Josh said

"Your telling me"I said

"You going to say anthing thing"Caspar asked

"If Joe doesn't I will"I said

"DIANNE"I heard Joe yell my name.Panic in his voice

The lads must have sensed the painc in his voice because Josh,Caspar and I ran to Byron's bedroom where Joe and Anna were

Anna had Joe pinned to the bed.

"Oi bitch get off my boyfriend"She turned to look at me

I pulled her off him and slapped her

She goes to slap me and Caspar stands infront of me.

"I think it's time you went home Anna"Caspar said

"She just slapped me"Anna said

"I don't care your're leaving and thats final"Caspar said taking her out the room.Josh following behind

Joe came over and hugged me

"I'm sorry"I said

"Hey you have nothing to be sorry about.Anna obviously has a major crush on me.Di,nothing happened.I yelled of you before she could I don't know"Joe said hugging me

"I'm glad your okay"I said looking up at Joe

"Come on lets go upstairs I'm knackered"Joe said wrapping on of his arms round my waist

"Yeah some sleep would be lovley"I told Joe

He kissed me

I smiled

I put my hand on my stomache I know it's early days but I alreadu can't wait for this baby

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