Better Days For Us

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Dianne's POV

Friday Before Camera Blocking

9:30 AM

Joe's Place

I knock on Joe's door snd he opens the door.

"Oh Hey Dianne, I'm just getting ready but come on in"Joe said hugging me

I walk in and everything is Tidy

I sit on a stool and Joe goes to get changed

20 Minutes later

We walk into Elstree Studio and into to my changing room.We put our things down

We walk out into the main stage were everyone is gathered sitting on the audience chairs.We sit beside Stacy and Kevin.They smile at us .

We begin to practice elemination.

We then go through camera block through.Joe's fave part.He looks nervous as we begin the routine but as we get to out final run through he gets more confidence.This makes me smile.I'm finally Making Joe enjoy camera Blcok through.I have a lot of faith in us.

Back at Joe's Place


Me and Joe sit on the sofa.We both have a glass of wine.We begin to watch a film while eating food.

"How are you today Dianne?"Joe asks me

"Very good Suggy how are you ?"I ask him

"I'm doing good"I say with a smile.

"I'm glad,I love to see you smile"Joe said

"I hate to see you cry"I said

"How did I get so lucky"Joe said to me with a smile

I smiled.We both laughed

Things are better for us now.I mean I'm confident about our dance tomorow night dance.I'm sure Joe won't make any mistakes.I mean he seems much better and I have a feeling the next couple weeks are going to be better for us.The competiton is close.I mean Ashley ,Faye and Stacy are techinque wise very good and very good with faical expressions.However Joe's never danced before and he's come so far.But then again Lauren ,Charles and Graeme are getting good aswel.I really want Joe to win for his nan.What do I do if we win Stritcly ? Do I cry ?,Do I make sure Joe's okay.I only got to like week 2 last year.Dianne don't get too Cockey we haven't danced yet and we could accidently mess up.Have faith Dianne

Joe's POV

I'm glad Dianne 's beginging to feel a lot better.It's been a very difficult week.We've had a lot of set backs.It also has been a stressful 12 weeks.I want to do Dianne proud.She always says she's proud of me but I want to make her think.We actually could win this.I want to win this more than anything in the world.I don't want to stress Dianne out too much but if she doesn't put me out of my comfort zone then we're going home and I'm not ready for that not yet.I hope Dianne has a little bit of hope for this dance.She says she's happy with it.I hope she decided not to change any of the steps a couple hours before the show or I am done for.This dance is very physical and very tiring but I love it.Come on Joe you can do this

"If we win Strictly,What would you do"Dianne asked me

"I dont know I haven't thought about it"I replied

"Well lets think about it if we get to the finale"Dianne said

"Sure"I siad hugging her

I can see better days for Team Joanne

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