Days Of Pain

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Dianne's POV

The next day

Joe's house


I woke up in so much pain

My Stomache hurt and so did my head.Joe was layed beside me .Arms wrapped around me.I look over at the table next to me to see two tablets and a glass of water and a note saying

Take Two when you need too


I smiled and took the tablets then after half an hour I fell back asleep.
I woke up Joe had his arm around me and he was scrolling through his phone.There was a knock at the door and Byron ran over .He opened the door
"Morning beautiful "Joe said to me putting down his phone
"Morning thanks for the tablets and the drinks"I said sitting up
"Your welcome.You feeling better"Hoe said
"Yeah a little bit"I said
"Hey Joe,Dianne"I heard Caspar say
We both look over.Josh,Caspar and Byron are all stood in the doorway
"Hey ,what are you guys doing here"Joe said
"Came to see how you were "Josh said
"Still very tired "Joe said
"Hey babe I'm going to the bathroom.Ill be back in five "I said getting up of the sofa
"Kay"Joe kisses me
I walked to the bathroom to see my bleeding had slowed down.I gave a small smile,relieved that all the pain I'd been through was nearly over.

I then walked out the bathroom.Joe was joking around with the lads.I walk over and kiss him on the cheek.He smiled and we begin chatting

7:20 PM

Me and Joe and the lads are all watching the results show.We get the part where our names are about to be called out.Joe clutches my hand and we both smile

"Joe and Dianne"I heard Tess say from the television 

All the lads cheer and congratulate us.I smile

The next Day

In the training Studio

Joe's POV

I feel more determind than ever to make it to the finale.With only a couple weeks left of the competiton the pressure is really on to top last weeks peformance.Me and Dianne were working very hard as Dianne had pro rehersal for 5 hours and then we had to practise this weeks dance.After many run throughs we sat down for a small break.

"How are you feeling"I asked Dianne

"I'm okay the bleeding is a lot less and the painrkillers seem to be helping "Dianne replied

"Glad to here your feeling a lot better.It's weird not being able to talk to people about it"I said

"I know.It just...I still can't talk about it .It's not I don't trust you.I just don't know how to explain it"Dianne explained but looking down at the wooden floor

"I get it.I think I may talk about it to my thearapist maybe it could help.Maybe book an apointment they do counselling for women who have been through simallar things"I explained

"Do you think I could book an apointment one day"Dianne asked looking up

"Of course.I could ring up for you know if you'd like"I suggested

Dianne nodded.

10 minutes later

"So Di they can get you in for around half an hours time"I said putting my phone in your pocket

"Could you come with me"Dianne said walking over to me

"Of course I can, London will be very busy so lets go"I said

At the counselling office

I booked Dianne under a fake name as I didnt won't people recognising us.Although I explained to the reception lady our situation and she understood.

We wallked into the office and Dianne held my hand tightly

A blonde woman with glasses greated us and then sat us down

"Okay my name is Dr Maddie Johnson and I'm going to be your counselor.It is perfectly fine to call me Maddie."She explained

"My names Dianne and this is Joe my boyfriend"Dianne said

"So Dianne tell me how far along you were when you miscaried ?"Maddie asked

"Um well I was 8 weeks."Dianne said.I put my arm around her comfortingly 

"Have you two disscused the misscarrige at all ?"She asked

"Um yeah kind of .Joe asks me if I'm in any pain and comforts me a lot but I just don't lnow if I'm ready to talk about it yet"Dianne explained

"Have you told anyone about what happened ? "Maddie asked

"Um no.No one knew I was pregnant"Dianne said

"Sorry could I have minute outside ?"Dianne asked

"Of course take you time"Maddie said

Dianne noded at me.I could see the tears in her eyes

My heart broke in that moment.She was falling apart and I couldn't see that

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