New Dance

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Before we start just wanna say having a little bit of a writters block so if you have any suggestions.Comment them or send me a message.I open to anything and everything.

Jess xxx

Joe's POV



Dianne and I just got out of group rehearsal and now we were onto this weeks dance.Dianne and I have anthor counselling session tonight.We left soon after Dianne went to get some air.We haven't talked about it much.I don't want to upset Dianne this week as she's quite fragile and there is a lot to lose this far in the compitition

We ran through the dance a couple times.To go through the steps.There was already stress in Dianne's face .

"Di calm.I'm sorry "I said 

"Hey don't worry I'm just nervous about tonight thats all"Dianne said

"I should be getting the dance by now"I said

"Joe listen every dance is different and you won't always pick up it up imediatly.Don't worry there's a lot to think about and Believe me we won't be perfect the first day.I'm calm so you need to be calm Joe.It will get easier"Dianne said comfortingly

"Thanks Di"I said hugging her tightly

In the Counselling session

"Okay Dianne.Yesterday was good for a first session.It's good that you can talk about small details but now I want on expand on that.Just a quick question what you two do for a living?"Maddie asked

"Well I'm a proffesional dancer.Me and Joe met on a Tv show that were currently taking part in"Dianne said

"I run a company in social media marketing"I use this kind of cover thing so I don't have to explain that i'm a youtuber and that I don't have a 'normal Job'.But technically this cover story is still true

"So Dianne how would you describe how you feel right now ?"Maddie asked.Writting things down on her clipboard

"A little bit on edge but still fairly calm"Dianne replied taking hold of my hand.

"Is this because Joe is in the room ?"She asked

"Yes"Dianne said

"So Dianne how has the misscarige affected you mentally"Maddie asked

"I've been quite slow,very numb but although I've been sad and very upset.The support Joe has given me had helped me a lot"Dianne said.That made me happy to know I was making her happy througha very dark time for her

"And Joe how has it affected you"Maddie asked

"I haven't dealt with anything like this before.So at first I was confused about how I was feeling.It made me very protective of Dianne but it also made we very on edge"I explained

"You two seem very much ina healthy and stable relationship which always helps the recovery process along.You two seem very much on the same page aswell.Dianne how are you physically?"Maddie asked

"Tired but all the bleeding has stopped.I have had a couple days rest which had defiently helped."Dianne said

I was glad she was okay.I need her right now

Dianne's POV

In training

So the dances had been revealed.This week we are doing out couple's choice routine to Jump Around.We are doing Street Comercial and Joe seems so happy.

Joe is finnaly getting the steps and we are now foucusing on technique and then Wednesday,Thursday and Friday are if Joe can't get the routine those are the panic days.However I have a lot of faith in Joe.He can do this.I believe in him

Joe was quite ill yesterday but we are stonger than ever.I'm doing much better.I can't believe the competiton is nearly over.What if I don't see Joe as much.But we will still be togther so everything's going to okay

It has to be okay.I'm okay now I just hope Joe is to.I love him so much.He looks after me more than anyone ever has.I mean he cares for Danni like he's her dad,He always looks after me and make sures I'm okay,He cares about my parents and he cares about my job and how I can futher my career and get better experiences.He's everything I've ever dreamed off.Great hummor,funny,cute and amazing

You know Di I think you found the one.

I just know you have

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