Another Camera blocking

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Joe's POV
In the studio
During Camera blocking
Me and Dianne were about to go on for camera blocking.
"Joe you okay "Dianne asked me
"Um I'm okay "I told her. My heart was already speeding up
"Joe if you need to take a minute do so" Dianne me
"Okay"I sat for a bit with some water .Breathing in and out

After Camera Blocking Hanging Out In The Star Dressing Room

We were all chilling out.Having cups of tea and eating food.

Everyone was chatting.I decided to take out my vloging camera

"So I'm at Eleestreet studio for my favourite day camera blocking"I said

"SambaJoe is doing on okay but vey tired Miss Buswell is working me very hard but next week is BLACKPOOL baby"I said

Everyone cheered

"So thats exciting.Now were just chilling and drinking cups of eat and eating pasta and a lot of it because the samba is very draining but not as draining as something like the charleston.Did that make any sense .I'm just rambling.Anyway were all very tired aren't we Di"I said zooming in on her face

"To right we bloody are .Samba is out the window"Dianne said

"What does your brain feel like"I said

"friend ,poched and scrambled eggs"Dianne said with a cute laugh

"All three you must be tired Miss Buswell"I said

I turned off my vlogging camera and kissed Dianne on the cheek.She laughed at me.

Me and Dianne layed on the sofa.Dianne layed beside me.We both were glued to our phones.I played with Diannes hair as Dianne slowly fell asleep

Once she feel asleep.I took her phone out her hands and because it was time to leave .I picked Dianne up very slowly.Grabbed all our things and went to my car.Putting Dianne in the car.I drove home.Knowing Byron was in Dubai so me and Dianne were alone.

I pulled up the my house.

"Joe?"I looked beside me to see Dianne waking up

"Hey you were asleep so I just put you in car.I didn't want to wake you"I told her

"Thanks.Can we go inside its really cold"Dianne said

"Of course"I said getting out and opening the car door for Dianne

We walked upstairs hand in hand.I unlocked the door and we both walked in.

I turned all the lights on and locked the door.Dianne screamed

I ran in quickly to see writting on the window and the counter tops

Hey Sugg and red looks like you've been busy.Red I wrote this in red like your hair and like your blood when I kill you both.But don't worry that will only happen if you win Stricly otherwise all your little secrets are safe with me.Like that poor child.Red I'm sure you wouldn't want your child growing up with out it's dad.


I fealt fear and anger hit me at once.I pulled my phone out and dialed 999

Dianne looked at me with fear in her eyes

"Hello 999 whats your emergency"The operator said

"Hi there could I have to police I'd like to report a break in"I said

"Sir had anything been stolen and could I have an adress"The operator asked

"I havent checked however there a message written on one of my windows and kitchen counter tops,And my adress is (Insert random adress here)"I replied

"Our team is there now they will take it from here"She told me

"Thank you so much have a lovley evening"I said

There was a loud knock on the door

I walked over Dianne behond me.I opened it to see two police officers

"Good evening sir my names sergant Dave Myers and this is Paul "The police officer said entering my house

"Hiya there .Well I think my house has been broken into.The door was locked and I don't have windows open but I havemt checked the house yet"I told them shutting the door

"Okay and you said something about a message.Paul call for back up for a search of the house please"Dave said

"Yeah"I took then through to the kitchen

"So can I take your names and people who live here"Paul asked

"Um well My names Joe Sugg.This is my girlfriend Dianne Buswell.My roomate Byron has been in Dubai most of the week and there are only two sets of keys which Byron has the spare set and I had mine to get in the house

More police officers came in

"Joe could you just go with these officers to check nothings been stolen"Dave asked

"Of course"I said

A few minutes later

"Nothing valuables was stolen.Only all the pregancy test I have and A photo of me and Dianne"I said

"Anyone who would do this"Dave asked

"Yeah ours Ex's Anthont Quinland and Brittney Smith they are after revenge"Dianne told the officers

"Well I don't think this was a break in I think this is a threat"Dave said

"Were going to put 24 hour police supervisation ang bodyguards"Dave said

"Thank you for everything"Dianne said

"Your more than welcome our officers will be her all night so please do not worry"Dave said

I felt like I needed to worry more than ever now

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