Flying Home

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Dianne's Pov
I walk into the airport. I said a very short goodbye to my family . My mum decided not to come thankfully.I then walked over to security. I then walked to my gate and waited half and hour . I sat around thinking about Joe. Danni fell asleep on my knee. I smile at her and run my fingers through her hair.
My gate was called so I grabbed our bags and wheeled them over to our plane. I woke Danni up and then set her down. We walked onto the plane and found our seats.
Joe and I split the seat for Danni because he offered and wasn't backing down. I sighed . Danni fell asleep in the first 10 minutes. I smiled. Some how I got service and was able to text Joe
Hey Joe just wanted to let you know I'm coming home today. Know your at Zoe and Alfie's so don't worry I'll get a cab and then let myself back into the house
D xxx
I put my phone beside me when I hear it vibrate
Hiya Buswell. I'll drive up to Heathrow and pick you up then we can Drive down to Brighton and spend a day with Zoe and Alfie if you want. Byron's not in he's at Emily and don't want u on your own.
S xxx
Okay then Remember got Danni with me so make sure you tell Zoe and Alfie
D xxx
Promise I will Miss Buswell. See you soon
J xxxx
22 hours later
Me and Danni walk of the plane. I'm so glad to be back in London. We go get our bags and then back through security. I walk out of Security and see my handsome Boyfriend talking to Zoe and Alfie.
Zoe nudges him and he spots me and Danni.
I smile widely as Danni runs over to Joe hugging him tightly.
I walk over with our bags and Zoe hugs me
"Welcome Home Dianne glad to see your in one piece" Zoe said
She pulled away and I hugged Alfie.
Danni stood beside me as I hugged Joe
"Welcome home Miss Buswell. I missed you so bloody much" Joe said
"I missed you too Suggy" I said hugging him
We pulled away and Joe kissed me.
"Come on then let's get back to Brighton" Zoe said
Joe took my hand and I held Danni's hand in the other.
Zoe and Alfie took our bags and all three of us got in the back of the car.
I strapped Danni into the Child's car seat.
Zoe and Alfie got in the front and we began to Drive back to Brighton
Me and Joe began to chat . Danni falling asleep beside me
"Dianne what happened in Australia that made you come back so early" Joe asked
"My mum and I got into a fight. About....
Joe I told her I was pregnant because everyone kept asking me if I wanted a glass of wine and I denied it. It was ridiculous and my mum doesn't agree with the fact I've only known your four months and I'm pregnant." I admitted
Joe looked at me sympathetically
"Don't worry it'll blow over eventually . You just need to focus on Danni and that baby of ours" Joe said hugging me
I learnt against Joes chest and we both fell asleep.
At Zoe and Alfie's house
It was 1pm when we got to Zoe and Alfie's. I got Danni out the car and Joe and Alfie grabbed our bags.
Joe and Alfie were playing with Danni while me and Zoe chatted
"So I heard your pregnancy anoucment to your mum didn't go well. And we didn't even know. So congrats Dianne." Zoe said
"Thank you. So when can you find out the babies gender" I asked
"I wanted to ask you about that. Is there any chance our doctor can email you the gender and we'll have a big party before you and Joe go on tour " Zoe asked
"Of course I'd love to" I said
"Thanks Dianne" She said
"What for" I asked
"Everything for being so lovely and for changing my brother into a better person. There's something different about him now. He's been healed from a very broken place and he accepts who is more. You taught him a skill that he loves and I hope he keep the memories of dance ." Zoe said
"No words could describe how thankful I am for Joe and this family. You mean so much to me . Your all there when my own family is god knows how far away ." I said
We look over at Joe and Alfie.
Joe is lifting Danni and teaching her our American smooth lift.
I smile
It's nice to see them happy.
I see many people start to come in
"Poppy, Sean this is Dianne Joe's dance partner and Girlfriend "Zoe introduces me
"Dianne this is Poppy, Alfie's sister and Sean's Poppy's girlfriend." Zoe says
I hug them both
"And Dianne this is Alfie's parents Nick and Amanda " Zoe says
"Amanda, Nick this is Dianne Joes girlfriend " Zoe says .
They hug me .
We all sit down and begin to chat.
Joe sits beside me as Alfie and Zoe play with Danni.
I snuggle into Joes chest
This is where I'm meant to be

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