We All Have Secrets

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Joe's POV

I knew I was thinking aloud but I thought I was alone

Joe just tell her she'll understand

I always told her not to hide things from me but I'm doing it to her.I'm hiding things

ughh Joe Why can't you make dessions on your own

Does she undertand though ?

If I tell Dianne she ...Ugh my feelings 

"Joe is everything okay"I heard an Australian girl from behind me

Fuck she heard everything

"Oh hey Dianne and Didn't see you there"I said turning to face her

"Talking to yourself Joesph"She said walking over to me

"Um I do it when i'm thinking sometimes"I told her

Joe you literally don't

"Kay then lets Samba then"Dianne said with a smile

She walked off with a smile

I don't understand how you could think postive after all I've put her through

I gave her a smile.

Joe be happy for Dianne

"Joe I accepted the job offer"Dianne told me

"Well what did they say?"I asked her

"There taking me on for 5 months for a traning camp and Joe the baby will be fine the traning camp starts in late August"Dianne explained

"I'm so proud of you"I said kissing her

After training

"So I'll see you tonight"Dianne said

"Yeah the dinner starts at 7 and remeber it's at mine"I told Dianne

At Joe's place

I walk in my house

Caspar and my manger were setting up the table.

I could see all the foor neat laid out.Zoe and Mark were talking

Alfie was talking to Josh

Byron was cleaning the dishes

"Hey"I said

"Hey Joe you're early home"Caspar said

"Oh me and Dianne had an early start"I explained

"You feeling okay bro"Byron asked

"I'm stressed"I just kind of lied there is a lot more than just stress

"Bro you and Dianne will be fine we all believe in you"Byron told me

"Listen I'm going to get ready for this get togther dinner thing "I said walking to the stairs

Don't worry Joe a few more hours and you'll be alone again

At Dinner   

"Okay can I have everyones attention please"Caspar  said

Everyone was quite

"So I'm very proud to anouce our next signing to our mangement Byron Langley"Caspar said everyone clapped

"Also I'm very proud to say that on Sunday Mr Joe Sugg and Dianne Buswell got through to week 8 of Stricly come dancing so make sure to vote for them on Saturday so we can get them through to BLACKPOOL"Caspar said

(But like seriously vote for Joe on Saturday we need him to get to Blackpool and even the fianle)

Everyone cheered and smiled

Dianne put her hand on mine

"Joe wanna saying anything"Caspar said

"Um thanks for coming .I look forward to working with you all in the future however right now I have a competition to win and a beautiful girlfriend to spend time with"I said with a smile

Everyone laughed and smiled

After Dinner.

I was stood talking to Zoe

Dianne was talking to Caspar

I could feel my heart beating faster and faster

I began feeling like I couldn't breathe

"Zoe I'm just going out side"I walked out and into my garden

I felt the pressure on my chest.I felt dizzy and ill so I sat down

"Joe are you alright"Zoe said sitting beside me

"Zoe I don't know whats happening I can't breathe,I feel sweaty.I feel dizzy"I told her breathing heavily

"Okay Joe breathe.I think you may be having a panic attack"Zoe told me

I breathed in and out

A couple minutes later

"Thats never happened before"I told Zoe 

"Hey,don't worry if it happens again breathe in and out and remove yourself from the situation if possible"Zoe told

"Look Joe I'm so sorry me and Alfie have a flight to catch to Dubai"Zoe  said hugging me

"Kay "I told her

"Zoe come on we have to go.See ya Joe,Dianne's looking for you"Alfie said 

"Kay I'm coming"Zoe said

I followed Zoe inside and as i walked them to the door Zoe whispered something to Dianne.Dianne just nodded .She seemed concerened

After Zalfie left

"Dianne I'm going to head upstairs"I told her

"Joe can me talk up there maybe"Dianne asked

"Sure"I said

I don't know if I can tell Dianne about what happened yet

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