About To Lose You (Part 2 Finale)

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I don't remember a lot from the past week just a lot of alcohol. I know Dianne's staying in a different bedroom in my house. I'm not kicking a heavily pregnant women out I'm not an idiot.
I'm about to finish my second bottle of Whiskey when Byron stops me
"Joe that's enough now. I understand your heart broken but listen. I'm your mate and I'm looking out for you here when I say this but Dianne is in bits as well. You both love each other a lot. I know it. Joe I'm not saying you should forgive her for what she and Josh did because believe me what they did was fucked up but you two need to start talking" Byron said
"I know bro but I can't face her" I said
"Joe you need to decided what your going to do once your sober . Now go upstairs. I mean it " Byron said
I went upstairs like Byron said and feel asleep immediately
A day later
It's 4pm and I've been working all day. I've been having some very dark and depressing thoughts all day .
I shut my laptop and put my shoes on
I text everyone saying 'I love you'
I then write Dianne and Byron a note
I leave on the side and walk out
I know where I'm going .
This is the last time I'll drive anywhere
I'm sorry Dianne but I'm done
Dianne's pov
I'm sat in the guest room with Danni
Byron bursts into my room
"Dianne Joes gone " He said
"What " I said
"Read this " He said handing me a note
Dear Dianne and Byron and the people I love
It's Joe. Thank you all for being great to me. Things have changed now. I'm leaving . I don't know where but I need to die .
Byron thank you for being an amazing roommate and best mate. All the laughs and advice you've given me have been the best
Zoe I love you and I promise this is the best thing for me just remember to look after Dianne for me. I know you will. Alfie look after my sister . Make sure she's okay when I'm gone .
Mum ,dad . I love you. Thank you for everything. you made me the person I am and I'm great full for what you have taught me . Don't forget me when I'm gone . Just look after baby Sugg when Dianne needs you
Caspar your my best mate in the whole world. I don't know what I'd do without you. You made me smile so much. Your like my brother. You were always there when I needed you. No ,matter what . I could never ever replace or meet anyone else like you
I love you. No matter what happened I love you. You made me feel so special . You taught me things I couldn't have done myself and you are going to be an amazing mother. I know you will. Don't cry Miss Buswell  it I'll be alright. I know it will. Keep going. Your strong and I know you can look after yourself . Look after Baby Suggwell. I know we've fought and we've had our moments of happiness and sadness but I'm so thankful I met you. I do feel betrayed by what you and Josh did but please don't blame yourself. It was my choice to do this
I love you Dianne
Goodbye now
Joesph Sugg xxxx
I Felt tears in my eyes . Panic struck I grabbed my shoes and jacket. Emily took care of Danni and we got into my car. We turned on the radio and began a search for joe as we were heading up by Elstree studio we listened to the news

"In other news. Report just in Social media star Joe Sugg has been spotted near London Bridge and is threatening to jump of it. Police, ambulance and reporters are on the scene."The radio presenter said
We sped to the bridge and immediately got out the car. Police began to tape of the area.
"Sir excuse me. That's my boyfriend you need to let me talk to him please " I begged. Tears in my eyes
"Miss I can't " He said
"Please I'm carrying his child. This child needs him. His family love him. He needs to get down" I said
"Miss I'm giving you 5 minutes" he said letting me through
"Thank you so much " I said
I ran over to Joe
"Joe please don't do this" I said
He looked behind him
"Dianne go home please. You shouldn't be here."he said
"I'm not leaving until you get down from there " I said
"Dianne you don't love me why are you here" He said
"No you don't understand Joe. I LOVE YOU. I love you more than anything. What happened between me and Josh wasn't my fault . I love you. I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I know I WANT TO MARRY YOU. I know Josh was jealous of what we had. Please Joe for the love of god come down " I said
Joe looked at me tears in his eyes . I had them in my eyes to
Joe smiled at me
I held out my hand. He hesitated and then took it
I helped him down and the hugged him
"I thought I was going to lose you Joe"I said
He pulled away from our hug and then kissed me
A few paramedics walked us to the ambulance
"Am I trouble " Joe said
"No joe your not but can we ask you a few question" the paramedic said
"Of course " he said
I nearly lost you today Joesph Sugg
Not going to lie a bit of an emotional one and was crying when reading this back. Like I said very heavy chapter. Now next one has a lot of Joanne in it . To make up for the fact I ripped apart Joanne and then threw it in the bin. Yeah I'm very sorry. I did think to myself at one point. Why am I doing this. Anyway thank you for the support . Your all amazing
Jess xxx

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