Safer With Me

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Joe's POV

Dianne and I were on my sofa. Everyone had gone home.

"Joe how long do we wait until we become an offical couple ?"Dianne asked

"Whenever you want " I told her with a smile

"Joe, I know I love you I just don't know If i'm ready for another relationship yet." Dianne said

"Dianne you've been through a lot this year and I know I love you very much.I don't expect you to want to have a relationship straight away. I need to figure out when the time is right and also when I'm ready for a relationship." I told her wrapping my arm around her waist.

" I know I don't deserve you Joe sugg" She said to me

"I don't deserve you ether Dianne" I said to her wrapping my arms around her

The next day On Monday moring

Dianne and the other pros were rehersing today so I decided to get all my buisness things sorted.

Btw in this next bit I don't want Anthony or anyone to be painted out as terrible people this is just a fanfiction. Just thought I'd clear things up

After a long Day.

There was a large amount of banging and bashing on our front door.Bryon ran over to the door and opened it.Dianne collapsed into his arms. I ran over to her and I could see Anthony walking away from the door. I was gonig to go after him. As a lot of anger came over me. Byron grabbed my arm. I then fell to the floor next to Dianne and slowly lifted her into my arms.

"I'm calling an ambulance. Joe stay with her. Don't worry about him for now"Bryon said . He grabbed his mobile.

"Dianne can you here me ?"I asked

"mhhh"Dianne mumbled

"Byron she's consious but only barely" I told him

"Don't worry Dianne helps on it way"I told her . Blood trickled down her pale face.

"Byron get me a cloth her heads bleeding" I yelled loudly

Byron handed me the cloth and i placed it on her head.

"Dianne what happened?"I asked her

"Joe, i'm okay"She said stumbling slightly

"No your not Dianne . Did Anthony hurt you ?"I asked her

"He was in my appartment so I ran and I came here . He must of followed me because he started attacking me as I came up the stairs" She told me . Her eyes looked tired . A small tear fell down her face. I could here sirens . I knew everything was going to be okay,

"You must be Joe ?"I heard the parmedic say.

"Um yeah this is Dianne Buswell. She was attacked and she's bleeding from her head" I siad going to the other side of her.

"Okay. Dianne my names Paul i'm going to help you today can you tell me what happened"He asked her

"Joe could you get some kind of blankets or towel and cushions we need to make her comfortable"The other parmedic said

"Of course.

half an hour later

I held Dianne's hand tightly. She smiled at me weakly

"I'm here for you and I'm not going anywhere until your safe."I whispered into her ear

"Okay Dianne we sorted you head it a small cut and You've brusied your ankle slightly but If you rest you will be okay" Paul said

"Can I dance ?" She asked .

"With extreme care" He said standing up.

I helped Dianne up and lifted her slowly up to the sofa

I then walked over to the paremedics

"Thank you so much" I told them

"Make Dianne is supervised when taking her medication . "They told me

"Why" I asked

"Just make sure ... Okay" Paul said

"Of course" I said

"Have a lovley evening any problems just bring her straight to A&E" He told us

After they left

"I'm going over to Caspars I'll see yout two later" Byron said

I heard Byron leave . Locking the door behind him

"Dianne you nearly gave me a bloody heart attack " I siad hugging her

"I'm sorry I scared you " She said snuggling into my chest

"Stay here tonight if It makes you feel safer. After Byron, Casper and Josh come back me and Caspar will go back and get some of your stuff"I told her

"Why don't we go to my bedroom and we can sit in there for a bit" I said

"Thank you so much Joe your just amazing " She told me

I scoped up Dianne and took her upstairs. I laid her down gently

I know now that I love you Dianne Buswell

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